click for translated version below

- 1 -
. Biñ yüz otuz bir senesi māh-ı Cemāz̠iyüʾl-evveliñ
.ikinci güni ilçi İbrāhīm Paşa ḥażretleri İstanbuldan
.çıḳub Beçe revāne olduġunı ve ḳonaḳlarıyla maʿan
.beyān ider. Fi 2 1131

  • İstanbuldan Edirne sāʿat 44
  • Muṣṭafa Paşa ḳonaḳ sāʿat 6
  • Ḥarmanlı ḳonaḳ sāʿat 6
  • Uzuncaova ḳonaḳ sāʿat 4
  • Semizce ḳonaḳ sāʿat 22
  • Ḳayalı ḳonaḳ sāʿat 22
  • Babaslı ḳonaḳ sāʿat 5
  • Filibe ḳonaḳ sāʿat 5
  • Tatarbāzārcıġı ḳonaḳ sāʿat 6
  • Yeñimaḥalle ḳonaḳ sāʿat 5
  • - 2 -
  • İḥtimān ḳonaḳ sāʿat 6
  • Yeñiḫan ḳonaḳ sāʿat 5
  • Ṣofya ḳonaḳ sāʿat 5
  • Ḫalḳalı ḳonaḳ sāʿat 6
  • Ṣarı Burt ḳonaḳ sāʿat 4
  • Şarköy [Şehirköy] ḳonaḳ sāʿat 4
  • Aḳbalanḳa ḳonaḳ sāʿat 4
  • Bāne ḳonaḳ sāʿat 4
  • Nīş ḳonaḳ sāʿat 2

. Māh-ı Cemāz̠īyüʾl-āḫiriñ on sekizinci güni Nişe dāḫil
.olub ṭaşrasında çādır ile ḳonılub otuz altı
.gün oturak ̣ olundı. Ammā sābıḳān yeñiçeri aġası olan
.vezīr-i mükerrem ʿAbdallāh Paşa ḥażretleri Rūmili vālīsi
5 olub bütün Rūmili eyāletiyle Nīşde muḥāfıẓ - 3 -
.idi. Derūn-i ḳalʿada degil idi. Eyālet ile maʿan
.ṭaşrada otururdı. İlçi paşa ḥażretleriyle görüşürler

Ammā ilçi paşa Nişe dāḫil olmazdan evvel
.bir miḳdār mübārek ẓuhūr itmiş, andan ṣoñra dāḫl oldu.
5 Ammā ilçi paşa ḥażretleri Nişde otuz altı gün oturaḳ
.itmesine bāʿīs ol idiki Nemçe çāsārı olan Ḳarlos
.nām, ilçisi Beçden berü ṭarafa çıkmaduġından meks̠ olundı. [1]
.Ammā ʿAbdallāh Paşa ile ilçi paşa Rūmili eyāletiniñ
.çavuşlar ketḫüdāsı [] Belġrāda gönderdiler ilçi-yi mesfūrdan - #4 -
.ḫaber getürmekligi. İlçi daḫi Beçden cümle tecemmülātlarıyla ṭoḳsan
.beş pāre sefīne ile on dört günde gelüb Belġrāda
.dāhil olduġı gün mezbūr çavuşlar ketḫüdāsı Nīşden
.paşalara menzil ile ilçiniñ Belġrāda geldügi ḫaberi
5 getürdi.

Māh-ı Receb-i şerīfiñ yigirmi dört güni Nīşden
.revāne olundı. Ammā ʿAbdallāh Paşa ḥażretlerine fermān-ı
.şerīf olunmış ki Rūmili eyāletiyle ve Nişde olan
.yeñiçeri ortalarından dört orta ve ṭobci ortalarından
.bir orta ve on pāre ṭob alub ilçi paşa ile maʿan - 5 -
.sınura gidüb ilçileri birbirleriyle görüşdürüb mükāleme-
.lerinde maʿan bulunasız diyü z̠ikr olunan ʿasker ile ilçi paşayı
.alub sınura revāne olundı.

  • Ḳanlıḳavaḳ ḳonaḳ sāʿat 2
  • ʿAleksinse ḳonaḳ sāʿat 4
  • Rācne ḳonaḳ sāʿat 4
  • Pārekīn ḳonaḳ sāʿat 6
Ammā Rācne ile Pāre-
.kīniñ mābeyninde üçer sāʿat olmaḳ üzere sābıḳan
5 defterdār-ı evvel olan Ṣarı Muṣṭafā Paşa ḥażretleri
.üç ṭ aş dikdi sınur olmaḳ üzere. Ammā Rāçneden
.ḳalḳ ub sınur ṭaşlarına revāne olundı. Bir sāʿat - 6 -
.ḳala yerde Ḳınalıoġlı Çiftligi dimekle meşhūr yerde ʿAbdallāh
.Paşa ḥażretleri Nemçe ilçisi içün sāʾyebān ve çādırlar
.ḳurdılar. Bir sāʿat miḳdārında tevaḳḳuf olundı.
. Nemçe ilçisi sınura gelsün diyü ḫaber içün ādem
5 gönderdiler. Daḫi haber getürdiler geldiler diyü. Ammā paşalarıñ
.ikisi daḫi mehterhānelerin çalaraḳ sınur ṭaşına
.revāne oldılar. Ammā sınūr ṭaşından berüde ve yaḳın
.yerde ilçi paşa sāʾyebān ḳurmış idi. ʿAbdallah
.Paşa ile maʿan indiler ve oturdılar. Ve Nemçe ilçisi - 7 -
.daḫi gendü ṭaraflarından ṭaşlara yaḳın yerden inmiş
.ve üç kefere göndermiş paşalara geldi. Sāʾyebānda buluşdılar.

.Geldiñiz mi ilçimiz ḫaber ister diyü bunlar daḫi berüden
.Rūmili çavuşlar ketḫüdāsıyla ilçi paşa ḳapucılar
5 ketḫüdāsını Nemçe ilçisi ṭarafına gönderdiler siz daḫi
.geldiñiz mi dimeklige ve gidenler daḫi geldiler, teşrīf
.buyuruñ. İlçi daḫi bindi sınur ṭaşına geliyor didiler.

. ʿAbdallāh Paşa ilçi paşa İbrāhīm Paşayı sāʾyebānda
.bıraḳdı bindi. Mehterḫānesin çalaraḳ bütün eyālet - 8 -
.ardınca ortalar ve on pāre ṭobları çekdürerek
.sınura revāne oldı.

Hem serʿasker idi. Ammā Nemçe
.ṭarafından Belġrād cenerāli olan Uṭvār nām ilçileriniñ
.üzerine serʿasker taʿyīn olunmış gelmiş ol daḫi ilçi
5 sini indüġi yerde bıraḳmış binüb geldi. Ammā ol serʿasker ile
.on beş biñ ḳadar var idi. Ammā ʿAbdallāh Paşa bizim ṭarafıñ
.sınur ṭaşlarına vardı. Nemçe daḫi kendi ṭaraflarında
.olan ṭaşıñ yanına geldi.

Ammā sınur ṭaşı üç - 9 -
.dikili ṭaşdur, mābeynleri ḳırḳar adımdur. Ammā ikisi
.daḫi at üzerindedür. ʿAbdallāh Paşa Belġrād cenerāli
.olan Uṭvār nāma baḳar ki atdan aşaġı insün.
. Cenerāl de baḳar ki ʿAbdallāh Paşa atdan aşaġı insün.
5 Cenerāl elhāṣıl taḥammül idemeyüb ʿAbdallāh Paşa ḥażretlerinden
.muḳaddem atdan aşaġı inmege ḥareket eyledi. Baʿdehū ʿAbdallāh
.Paşa daḫi ḥareket eyledi. Ancak cenerāliñ ḥareketi o ḳadar
.evvel oldı ki ayaḳ üzengiden çıḳar miḳdārı
.hemān ikisi birden indiler. Bizim ṭarafdaki ṭaşdan - 10 -
.ortadaki ṭaşa dek ʿAbdallāh Paşa yürüyerek
.vardı. Ve Cenerāl Uṭvār daḫi gendü ṭaraflarında
.olan ṭaşdan yürüyerek geldi. İkisi daḫi ortada-
.ki ṭaşda ḳavuşdılar. El ele virüb oturdılar.
5 İlçi muṣāḥebetlerini itdiler.[2]

Māh-ı Receb-i şerīfiñ yigirmi
.yedinci Pençşenbe güni
idi. Ve ziyāde havā güzel
.ve güneş idi. Ammā muṣāḥebetlerinden ṣoñra ʿAbdallāh Paşa
. ilçi İbrāhīm Paşaya ḫaber irsāl eyledi teşrīf buyursunlar
.diyü. İbrāhīm Paşa daḫi sāʾyebāndan ḳallavī giyüb - 11 -
.ve ṣorġuc ṭaḳınub bindi. Enderūn aġaları daḫi
.ardında alay ile mehterḫānesin çalaraḳ sınur
.ṭaşına revāne oldı. Ve Nemçe ilçisi daḫi gendü
.ṭarafından binüb tıranbetesini çalaraḳ sınur
5 ṭaşına gelürken bi-emriʾl-lāh-i teʿālā hevā tebdīl oldı.
.Ammā ilçileriñ ikisi daḫi ṭaşlara geldikde cüzʾī
.yaġmur yaġmaġa başladı.

Daḫi atdan aşaġı inmediler.
.Birbirlerine baḳarlar evvel inmek içün. Hele Nemçe
.ilçisi bir vechle taḥammül idemeyüb muḳaddem atdan - 12 -
.aşaġı inmege ḥareket eyledi. Baʿdehū bizim ilçimiz İbrāhīm
.Paşa daḫi ḥareket eyledi. Nihāyet ikisi birden
.atdan aşaġı indiler. Hemān ceneraliñ ol ḳadar
.evvel idi ki ayaġı üzengiden çıḳar miḳdārı.
5 İkisi daḫi yürüyerek ḳırḳar adım ortadaki
.ṭaşa geldiler buluşdılar. El ele virdiler. Ammā bizim
.serʿaskerimiz ʿAbdallāh Paşa ve Nemçe serʿaskeri olan
.Belġrād Ceneral[i] Uṭvār nām daḫi ayaḳ üzerlerinde
.ṭururlar idi. İlçiler ile maʿan durdılar. Çārkūşe - 13 -

Ammā bir mertebe ol vaḳt bir elā gözlü bir koca
.yaġmūr yaġdıki hemān bardaḳdan boşanırcasına.
.Veʾl-ḥāṣıl durdı. Daḫi oturdılar ve ṣulḥ aḥvāli
.söyleşmege başladılar. Cevābları temām olduḳdan
5 ṣoñra yaġmūr daḫi diñdi. Ammā ṣulḥ aḥvālini söyleşdikleri
.vaḳt bizim ʿaskerimiziñ daḫi aġırlıḳları bizim ṭarafdan
.olan ṭaşıñ yanında çatıldı ḳaldı. Bir ferd-i
.vāḥid öte ṭarafa geçmedi. Ve Nemçe ʿaskeri cümle tecemmülātlarıyla
.kendü ṭaraflarında olan ṭaşıñ yanında çatıldı ḳaldı. - 14 -
.Anlardan daḫi biri berü ṭarafa geçmedi. ʿAbdallāh Paşa
.ilçi İbrāhīm Paşa ve Nemçe ilçisi ile Belġrād cenerāli
.olan Uṭvār nām ṣulh müşāverelerini temām eylediklerinden
.ṣoñra iki ṭarafa iz̠in oldı. Şenlik olunsun
5 diyü bizim ṭarafdan ʿaskerimiz birer yaylım tüfeng
.atdılar. On beş biñ miḳdārı var idi. Ve bir yaylım
.on bāre ṭob atdılar. Ve Nemçe ṭarafından daḫi
.bir yaylım tüfeng atılub ve on bāre ṭobları
.daḫi atdılar. Baʿdehū iki ṭarafdan ikişer yaylım - 15 -
.tüfengler ile iki yaylım daḫi onar pāre ṭoblar
.atıldı. Baʿdehū ʿAbdallāh Paşa ḥażretleri ilçi
. İbrāhīm Paşanıñ elini eline alub āl-i ʿOs̠ mān
.pādişāhınıñ büyükilçisidür. Ṣulḥ ve ṣalāḥ
5 olmaḳ içün irsāl olunmışdur. İnşāʾa-llahu teʿālā
.yine bu maḥallden ve ʿavdetinden emīn ve sālim senden isterim
.diyü Belġrād cenerāli olan Uṭvār nām cenerāle
.teslīm eyledi. Ve cenerāl-i mesfūr daḫi gendü ilçileriniñ
.elini eline alub bu daḫi Nemçe ḳayzeriniñ yaḳını - 16 -
.lā-teşbīh Nemçe lisānınca pādişāh dimekdür büyük
.ilçisidür. Biz daḫi bu maḥallde senden isterim diyü
. ʿAbdallāh Paşa ḥażretlerine teslīm eyledi.


Baʿdehū aġırlıḳlara
.iz̠in olundı. Bizim aġırlıġımız Nemçe ṭarafına ve sınurına
5 gecdi. Ve Nemçeniñ tecemmülātları bizim ṭaraf sınura gecdi.
.Nemçe ilçisini
. ʿAbdallāh Paşa alub berü getürdi.
.Ve bizim ilçimiz İbrāhīm Paşa ḥażretleri[ni] Belġrād cenerāli
.olan bālāda z̠ikr olunan Pārakīne alub getürdi.
10 Ceneral daḫi ol gice Pārakīnde ḳaldı. Ṣabāḥ olunca - 17 -
.ṭaraflarından ḳomsār taʿyīn eyledi. Ḳomsār dimek
.z̠aḫīre virici dimekdür. Ve dört yüz miḳdārı atlı
.ʿasker taʿyīn eyledi. Ve cenerāl daḫi binüb ʿaskeriyle
. Belġrāda gitdi. Ḳomsār daḫi dört yüz atlı ʿaskeriyle
5 olub Beçe revāne olundı.

  • Yaġudine ḳonaḳ sāʿat 4
  • Devebaġırdan ḳonaḳ sāʿat 5
  • Paṭçine [Pātoçina] ḳonaḳ sāʿat 6
  • Ḥasanpaşa Palanġası ḳonaḳ sāʿat 4
  • Ḳular ḳonaḳ sāʿat 4
  • Ḥiṣārcıḳ ḳonaḳ sāʿat 4
  • Belġrād ḳonaḳ sāʿat 4

. Belġrāda daḫıl olduġumuzda cenerāl-i mesfūr Uṭvār nām - 18 -
.bir mertebe alay eyledi ki bir vech ile taʿbīri mümkün degildür.
.Atlısı başḳa ve yayası başḳa ve ḳ alʿadan daḫi
.yüz altmış pāre ṭob atub şenlik eyledi. Ve Sava
.çārşusı semtine gidecek semtte olan mezāristāna
5 ḳondurdı.

Ammā mezāristānıñ cümle ṭaşlarını çıḳarmış
.ḳalʿaya ḳomış ve cengde ḳalʿanıñ Sava semtini dögüb
.vīrān itmiş. Ammā ziyādesiyle ḳavī ve müstaḥkem yabmış
.ve sāʾir vīrān olan yerini daḫi maʿmūr etmiş ve ḳalʿanıñ
.içine cengciden ġayri bir reʿāyā z̠ımmīsini ḳomaz ve hende-
10 - 19 -giniñ ve sāʾir yerlerine daḫi ̣̣karaġolcı ḳomışdur. Aṣlā
.bir kimesne uġratmaz. Ġāyet ile ḥıfz üzredür.
.Ve yuḳardan sekiz ḳalyon indürmiş ḳalʿa ḳ arşusında
.Ṭūna üzerinde durur. Ve Ṭūna semtindeki evleri
.ve dükkānları bütün meyḫāne itmişler. Ve Sava çarşusında
5 olan dükkānlar evvelki gibi alış viriş ider ve reʿāyā
.fuḳarāları Nemçeleriñ elinden ʿacz ve fürūmānde ḳalmışlar.
.Ve cāmiʿ-i şerīfleri kimini solṭāt odaları yapmışlar.
.Ve kimini mühimmātḫāne etmişler. Ve mināreleri ṭurur. - 20 -
.Ammā mināreniñ birini kulāḥından yıḳmışlar, sāʿat yapmışlardur.
.Ḥālıyā çalar. Ve ḥammāmlar ṭurur. Ev yapmışlar. Ammā yalıñız
.bir ḥammām alııkomışlardur. Ḥāliyā işledürler. Ve dört
.gün oturaḳ olundı.


  • Zemin ḳonaḳ sāʿat 12
  • Yanofca ḳonaḳ sāʿat 22
  • Devironse sāʿat 5
  • Şaşansi ḳonaḳ sāʿat 3
  • Laçarḳ ḳonaḳ sāʿat 3
  • Tuvarniḳ ḳonaḳ sāʿat 7
  • Ḳalʿa-i Būlġovār ḳonaḳ sāʿat 4

5 Būlġovār ḳalʿası bir vīrān ḳalʿadur. İçinde şenligi
.yoḳdur. Ṭaşrasında varoşı büyükdür. Ve çārşūsı - 21 -
.vardur. Ve meyve daḫi bulunur.
  • Ḳalʿa-i Örsek ḳonaḳ sāʿat 6

.Daḫıl olduġumuzda yüz pāre ṭob atub eyü şenlik
.itdiler. Ve ḳalʿanıñ maʿmūrluġı suʾāl olunur ise
.ziyādesiyle ḳavī ve maʿmūrdur ve zīrdedür. Ṭaşra
5 sınıñ üç ṭarafından müceddeden ṭābye yapayorlar. ̣Bir ṭarafından
.bir büyük ṣu aḳar. Adı Ẕravadur. Ve üç ḳat ḫendek
.vardur. Ṭaşra ḫendeginiñ eniligi altmış iki adımdur.
.İç ḫendeginiñ eniligi yüz altmış iki adımdur. Ve ḳalʿa
.ḳapusınıñ içerüsi dīvārınıñ ḳalınlıġı yigirmi iki - 22 -
.adımdur. Ve yapusı ṭuġladur. Ve ziyāde muḥkemdür.
.Ve evleri kārgīrdür. Ve eṭrāf köyleri daḫi maʿmūrdur.

  • Darde ḳonaḳ sāʿat 2
  • Briyevar sāʿat 6
  • Mohaç Ovası sāʿat 6.5
ʿAn ġurre-i Ramażān-ı şerīf
  • Ḳalʿa-i Seçuy sāʿat 6.5
Seçuy Ḳalʿası vīrān ḳalʿadur.
.İçinde şenligi yoḳdur. Hemān bir miḳdār ṭaşrasında
.evler vardur, köydür.
  • Bātosek ḳonaḳ sāʿat 3,5
  • Ḳalʿa-i Seksār ḳonaḳ sāʿat 5
Seksār Ḳalʿası bir miḳdārı
5 ḫarābedür. Ve içinde birḳ aç evleri var. Hemān açub ḳapamaḳ - 23 -
.içündür. Ammā ṭaşrasında evler çoḳdur, eyüdür.

  • Ḳarye-i Mādniyār sāʿat 5
  • Şimatorne ḳonaḳ sāʿat 2
  • Şanise ḳonaḳ sāʿat 6
  • Ḳalʿa-i İstonī Belġrād sāʿat 4

.dāḫıl olanda ziyāde ṭob şenligi itdiler. Ammā bir metīn
.ḳalʿadur. Ve dört eṭrāfınıñ ḫendegi enilidür ve ṣudur
.ve ḳamışlıḳdur ve ziyāde ṣarpdur. Ve ḳapularınıñ öñinde
5 aṣma köprüleri vardur.

  • Ḳarye-i Mur ḳonaḳ sāʿat 5
  • Ḳarye-ı As̠ ar ḳonaḳ sāʿat 5
  • Ḳalʿa-i Yafeḳ sāʿat 5

.dāḫıl olundıḳda yüz elli pāre ṭob atub şenligi - 24 -
.itdiler. Ammā ziyādesiyle metīn ve müstaḥkem ve büyük
.ḳalʿadur. Ve yapuları kārgīrdur. Ve maʿmūrdur. Her bir
.evleri balanġa gibidür. İçinde kelīsāları vardur.
.Ammā bir büyük kilisāsı içinde organon var. Pāpāsları
5 çalarlar. Ve ḳalʿanıñ yapusı ziyāde ḳavīdür. Ve üç
.ḳat hendeġi vardur. Üçinde de büyük ṣular aḳar. Biri
.Ṭūnadandur. İkisi daḫi ġayri ṣudur. Anlarda büyük
.ṣulardur. Ammā ḳalʿa dīvārınıñ ḳalınlıġı on sekiz
.adımdur. Ve Belġrātdan ġayri taḥrīr olunan ḳalʿalarıñ - 25 -
.icine girüb seyr olunmışdur. Ve żābṭları daḫi
.mā niʿ olunmamışdur. […]
  • Ṣad Niḳola ḳonaḳ sāʿat 3
  • Altuḳiurḳ ḳonaḳ sāʿat 4
  • […]
  • Tabçantor f
    .ḳonaḳ sāʿat 4
[…] Nemçe lisānınca tārīç Nemçe dimektir. [4]
. Tor f dimek köy dimekdür. Ḳalʿa-i Būrḳ ḳonaḳ
5 sāʿat 4. […] Bir kücük ḳalʿadur. Ve ġāyet nāzikdür.
.İki ḳapusı vardur. Şiveket ḳonaḳ sāʿat 6.
.Ḳralıñ avgāhıdur. Ve çoḳ evler vardur. Ve ḳralıñ
.sarāyı vardur. Ancaḳ içinde bir bekçiden ̇gayri kimse - 26 -
.yoḳdur. Girüb seyr olunmışdur. […]

Ḳalʿa-i Beç ḳonaḳ
.sāʿat 2. […] Ammā Şivekete dāḫıl olundıḳda dört
.gün oturaḳ olundı.

Māh-ı Ramażān-ı şerīfiñ yigirmi
.sekizinci güni Bāzārirtesi
Beç ḳalʿasına alay ile girecek
5 idük.Ammā dergāh-ı ʿālī yeñiçerilerinden elli tüfenkçi taʿyīn
.olunmışdı. Bir gün muḳaddem Bāzār güni Nemçe çāsārı
.ṭarafından ḫaber geldi ki tüfengciler paşa ḥażretleriniñ
.ardında yürüsünler ve tüfenglerini yuḳaru ḳaldurmasunlar
.başaşaġı ṭutsunlar. Ve biz kendü ṭarafımızdan tüfengli - 27 -
.Nemçe taʿyīn ideriz, paşanıñ ardında yürüsünler
.daḫi ardında tüfengçiler ve tüfenglerini başaşaġı
.ṭutsunlar diyü haber geldi. Tüfengçiler daḫi cevāb eylediler ki
.bizler paşadan ayrılmayuz ve tüfenglerimizi başaşaġı
5 ṭutmayuz diyü cevāb eylediler ve alaydaki gibi giderüz
.didiler. Veʾl-ḥāṣıl ṭaraflarından Nemçeler gönderdiler. Pāzār
.irtesi güni erken geldiler. Ve alay düzildi. Paşa
.ḥażretleri ḳallavīʾi giyüb ve sorġūc ṭaḳınub bindi.
.Tüfengçiler tüfenglerini yuḳaru ṭutub yüridiler. Daḫi - 28 -
.ardında Enderūn aġaları gitdiler. Ammā küffār-ı ḫāksār
.ve çāsār bir alay ıṣmarlamış ki öyle bir alay olmamış
.olsun dimiş öyle alay ile Beçe dāḫıl ve bālāda
.taḥrīr olunan ḳomsār yediyle taʿyīn daḫi viriliyor.

5 El-ḥāṣıl yigirmi sekiznci Bāzārirtesi güni çāsāra
. pādişāh-ı ʿālem-penāh ḥażretlerinden irsāl olunan m nāme-i
.hümāyūnı virmege gitdi. [5] Ammā ol gün daḫi ziyāde
.alay oldı. Ve alay ṭaḳımı budur: İbtidā Nemçeniñ
.tüfengli solṭaṭları ardında dīvāngāh ve göñülliyān - 29 -
.daḫi ardında ketḫüda beg daḫi ardında şevketlü pādişāh-ı
.ʿālem-penāh ḥażretleri ṭarafından irsāl olunan hedāyā
.ve bişkeş daḫi ardında ḫazīnedār aġa ile miftāḥ
.aġası daḫi ardında ʿakkāmbaşı neferiyle dahi ardında
5 dīvān çāvuş aġaları daḫi ardında ṣaḳallu aġalar
.daḫi ardında paşa yedekleri daḫi ardında tercümān ile
.ḳapucılar ketḫüdāsı daḫi ardında ilçi paşa ḥażretleri.


Ammā ḳraldan mahṣūṣ hinṭoġ geldi. Paşa hinṭoġ ile
.kendi ardında tüfengciler daḫi ardında Enderūn aġaları - 30 -
. ḳralıñ yanına gidildi. Ammā pādişāh-ı ʿalem-penāh ḥażretlerinden
.irsāl olunan nāme-i hümāyūn paşa ḥażretleriniñ öñinde
.dīvān efendisiniñ elinde gitdi. Veʾl-ḥāṣıl çāsār
.sarāyına varıldı. Çavuş aġalara tenbīh olundı ki paşa
5 ḥażretlerini alḳışlamasunlar diyü ve alḳışlamadılar.

.indi. Çāsār yanına girdi ve buluşdı. Paşa ile maʿan
.on üç ādem çāsār yanına girdi. Çāsār daḫi ayaḳ
.üzerinde dururdı. Paşa ḥażretleri söyleyecek
.kelāmı söyledi. Ve ḳral vekīli daḫi maʿḳūl ve münāsibdür - 31 -
.didi. Ve nāme-i hümāyūnı daḫi virüb ve pişkeşi
.daḫi söyledi. Ḳral vekīli getürsünler didi. Ve teslīm
.eyledi. Ammā ʿādet degilmiş ḳral ilçileri yanında söylemeklige.
.Cümle cevābları temām olub ve nāme-i hümāyūnı virüb
5 ve pişkeşi teslīm itdikden ṣoñra ṭaşra çıḳub
.hinṭoġa binüb yine alay ile sarāya geldi.


.mābeyni iki gün geçdikden ṣoñra başvekīli olan
. prens nāma gitdi. brens dimek yaʿnī müḥür ṣāḥibi
.vezīri dimekdür. Mektūblarını ve pişkeşin daḫi virdi. - 32 -
.Ve yine alay ile geldi. Ammā prens nām ḳralıñ dīvānına
.gelmedi ve ʿādet deġilmiş. Ammā prensiñ sarāyında paşayı
.çāvuş aġaları alḳışladılar.

Bundan ṣoñra Beçiñ içinde
.olan seyrleri beyān. Bir gün ṭob şenligi itdiler.
5 Aṣlı nedür be-her sene ṭob şenligi idermiş. Ṭoġduġı
.gün olduġıyla bir kerre daḫi şenligi itdiler. Ḳara
.Muṣṭafā Paşa Beçe varub bozulduġı gündür diyü. [7]

.Ammā günlerde bir gün ḳralıñ anası mürd oldı. Üç
.gün leşini yaturdılar. Daḫi meşāda götürmediler. On - 33 -
.iki ḥekīm taʿyīn olunmiş. Ḳarnını yarub baġırṣaḳlarını
.çıḳarub ve ḳarnını beḥ ār ile ṭoldūrub üç
.günden ṣoñra gövdesini Beç ḳalʿasınıñ içinde
.bir büyük manastır var; ol manastırıñ meşādlıġına
5 ḳoydılar. Ve baġırṣaḳlarını daḫi ġayri manastır meşādlıġına
.ḳoydılar. Ammā naḳl iden Nemçeler bu minvāl üzere
.naḳl itdi. Ancaḳ c ilāf olmamaḳ gerekdür. Ḳral ziyāde-
.siyle yās ve mātem idüb cümle gendüye ḫürmet
.iden Nemçelere ḳaralar ve siyāhlar giydürdiler. Meger ʿādet - 34 -
.imiş bir sene ḳaralara ġarḳ olmaḳlıġa.

Ve Beç ḳalʿasınıñ
.vāroşınuñ evleri beyān olunur: Ziyādesiyle
.bināları yüksekdür. Sekiz ṭokuz ṭabaḳadur ve maḥzendür.
.Ve cümle kārgīrdür. Üç dörder ṭabaḳadur. Ve ḳalʿa
5 ḳapuları beyān ider: […] Ḳızıl Ḳapu[…] Macār Ḳapusı
.Venedik Ḳapusı […] Çāsār Ḳapusı […] Yeñi Ḳapu
.defaʿe Yeñi Ḳapu […] Ṣu Ḳapusı […] Eski Ḳapusı
.Ammā bu Eski Ḳapu ḳapalıdur. Sebeb evvelki Ḳara Muṣṭ afā
.Paşa ol ḳapudan içerü girmiş anuñ içün ḳapalıdur - 35 -

Ve sekiz ḳapusınıñ öñinde birer büyük ṭabyaları
.vardur ve eṭrāfınıñ bir ḳat hendegi vardur. Ġ āyet
.enilidür. Ve Ṭūna ḳalʿa dibinden aḳar. Yuḳarudan Ṭūnadan
.kesdürüb aḳıtmışdur. Ve tersānesi daḫi ol kesdürdigi
5 Ṭūnadadur.

Ve emīni vardur. Ḳalʿanıñ içi ġāyet
.şenliklidür. Aḫşamdan ṣoñra sāʿat üç buçuġa
.varınca dükkānlar açıḳdur. Ve her dükkān ṣaçaḳlarında
.birer cām fenār yanar. Hemān donanma gibidür. Ve ḳalʿa ḳapuları
.daḫi sāʿat üç buçuġa degin açıḳdur. Baʿdehū ḳaparlar.

- 36 -

.Ve ḳalʿanıñ vāroşları beyān olunur: Venedik Varoşu
. Lebolştūt Varoşu […] Macār Varoşu […] Mariya Hilf
.Varoşu […] Santulir Varoşu […] Ḳarabuttorf Varoşu
.Ruṣve Varoşu […] Vezin Varoşu […] Vidin Varoşu
5 Ṭoḳuz varoşdur. Cümlesi mükellefdür ve her bir evleri
. palanġa gibidür. Ve ziyāde maʿmūrdur. Ve eṭrāfı köyleri
.daḫi bu minvāl üzeredür.

Ammā bir buçuk sāʿat berüde
.bir küçük ḳalʿa vardur. Sulṭān Süleymān köşki taʿbīr
.iderler. Ġ āyet nāzik ḳalʿadur. Hemān Yediḳ uleniñ - 37 -
. ḳuleleri gibi yigirmi ḳullesi vardur. [8] Çāsārıñ arṣlan
.ḫānesidür. Ammā gendüniñ üç arṣlanı var. İkisi
.kücükdür, biri büyükdür. Ammā berüden giden arṣlan
.anıñ arṣlanından büyükdür. İki gitmiş-idi. Ammā biri
5 Beçe iki ḳonaḳ ḳala yerde [? girdi] ve dört
.ḳaplanı var. Yavuz ḳablanlardur. Ve ziyāde nāzikdür.
.Ve bir ḳaç ayuları var. Ve bir ḳuş vardur. Büyüklügi dört
.Hind ṭavuġı ḳadardur ve siyāhdur. Ḳudretden gögsünden
.pençeleri vardur.

Ve meyve aḥvālinden suʾāl olunur - 38 -
. iʾse her dürlü meyve bulunur. Hemān zeytūn yoḳdur.
.Ancak fidānı vardur. Zeytūn virmez ve şükūfeleri
.vardur. Lākin İstanbul gibi degildür. Ve ġāyet ile
.sünbülleri vardur. Beyāż ḳatmer sünbül olur ve güzel
5 baġları baġçeleri var.

ʿAleʾl-tevālī ṭokuz ay beş
.gün yalıñız Beçiñ içinde oturuldı. Ve ilçi paşa
.ḥażretleri çāsār dan nāmeʾi almaġa gitdi. Beyān olunur.

. Biñ yüz otuz iki senesinde māh-ı Cemaẕīyüʾl-āhiriñ
.beşinci Cumʿa-ertesi güni çāsār ṭarafından hinṭoġg - 39 -
.geldi. Alay ṭaḳımı düzüb hintoġ ile gitdi. Yine
.ḳallavī giyüb çāsār sarāyına ̣vardı. Ammā çavuşlar

Ammā paşa ḥażretleri çāsārıñ yanına on
.altı ādem ile girdi. Ammā çāsār ayak üzere durdi.
5 Ammā ḳralıñ vekīli olan cevāb itdi ki ṣulḥumuz ṣulḥdur
.ve ḳanġı ṭarafdan bozġunluḳ olur iʾse menʿ itmek
.üzere didi. İlçi paşa ḥażretleri daḫi bek maʿḳūl
.diyü cevāb virdi. Ve nāmeʾi daḫi aldı. Dīvān efendisine
.virdi. Ve bizden ḳralıñ yanına giren on altı ādem ḳralıñ - 40 -
.odasından ṭaşra çıḳdılar. Baʿdehū ilçi paşa
.çıḳarken ḳral daḫi başından şabḳaʾı bir miḳdār
.çıḳardı, temennā eyledi. Baʿdehū alay ileḳonaġa geldi.
.Ammā pişkeş nāmında bir şey virilmedi. Ve māh-ı mezbūruñ
5 on beşinci Ṣalı güni bāşvekīl olan prens nāma
.gitdi. Yine alay ile ilçi pişkeşini prens nāmıñ
. eline virildi. Ve mektūblarını ve pişkeşlerini alub
.alay ile ḳonaġa geldi.

İkinci güni ilçi paşa ḥażretleri
.mīr-aḫūrını develeriyle ve ḳaṭırlarını ve ḳaraḳulluġcılarını - 41 -
.ḳaradan Belġrāda gönderdi. Altıncı güni yeñiçerileri
.Ṭūnadan sefīne ile gönderdi. Ammā otuz ādem
. mürtd oldı.

Bin ṭoksan üç senesinde
.merḥūm Ḳara Muṣṭāfa Paşa Beçe sefer itdügi zemān
5 Beç ḳalʿasınıñ içerisine girmişler ve Nemçeyi zebūn
.itmişler. Ammā Mıṣırlıdan bir yigit ḳalʿa içinde bir mükemmel
.ev żabṭ itmiş-idi. Ve yedi günden ṣoñra
.Nemçeniñ daḫi imdādı gelince ʿasker-i İslām bozulmış.
.Ammā ol Mıṣırlı yigit bi-emr-i ḫüdā şeḥīd düşmiş. - 42 -
.Ve ol eviñ dīvārınıñ üzerine ṣūretini ṭaşdan
.yapmışlar. Ḥālā ṭurur ve medḥ iderler.

Ve Sulṭān Süleymān
.Nemçe[ye] sefer idüb bozulduġı zemān Ḳāsım Voyvoda
.nāmında bir nāmdār devletli ḳırḳ biñ ādem ile iki
5 sā ʿat ötede şehīd olmış. Ḥālā söylerler ki
.her Cumʿa gicesi ol yerde gülbenk-i Muhammedī ṣadāsı
.işidilür dürler. Ve ẕikr olunan Mıṣırlı menend
.yigitleriñ ṣūretleri birḳaç yerde yapılmışdur. Ḥālā

Ve Deli Seydī Paşa Būdīm vālisi imiş. [9] - 43 -
.Ġāyet ile baḥādır devletli ġāzī imiş. Ammā vaḳtinde
.Būdīmden Beçe bir bāzargān giderken Nemçeniñ
.ṭobraġında mālını ġāret itmişler. Ol bāzargān
.girü gelüb merḥ ūm Seydī Paşaya ġ ʿarżıhāl idüb
5 aḥvāli bildürdi. Ol daḫi Beç Ḳralına bir buyuruldı
.gönderdi. Ve yazmış ki buradan giden bāzargānıñ
.mālını seniñ ṭopraġında ġāret itmişler. Buyuruldum
.vuṣūlınde bāzargānıñ mālını buldurub ṭarafa irsāl
.eyleyesin. Ve bulunmaduġı ḥālde yānıñdan taḥṣīl idüb - 44 -
.gönderesin. Yoḳ yoḳ derseñ tāc ve taḫtıñ
.eliñden gider dimiş.

Buyuruldu daḫi ḳrala vüṣūl
.bulduḳda ḳral daḫi be hāyde didi diyü cevāb
.itmiş. Seydī Paşaya bu ḫaber gelince ḳırk dāne ādemi
5 tebdīl-i ṣūret idüb Beçe göndermiş. Ol ḳırḳ
.ādem Beçe daḫıl olub ve ḳalʿanıñ içinde bir kelīsādan
.bir keşiş çıḳarub ve çalub Būdime Seydī Paşaya
.getürürler. Ammā eger ḳralıñ ve ġayrisiniñ bu keşiş çalınduġından
.ḫaberleri olmadı.

Gelelim Seydī Paşaya. Ol keşīşiñ - 45 -
.boynunı urmaḳ istedi. Ricā itdiler boynın urmadı
.ʿafv itdi. Tekrār ḳrala haber gönderdiler. Ḳalʿa içinde
.filān kelisādan filān keşīş çaldurub getürdi.
.Boynın urmaḳ istedi. Ricā idüb ʿafv itdürdük.
5 Bilmiş olun ki tāc [u] taḥtıñ elinden gider. Hemān mālı
.göndermege saʿy idesin dimiş. Ḳral daḫi bu aḥvāli
. işiddikde ḳralıñ şābḳası başına dār olub
.ol keşīşi kelisāda yoḳlatdı yok. Suʾāl
.ider ki bu aḥvāl ne şekil oldıki bu keşīş żāyiʿ - 46 -
.oldı. Cevāb virdiler ki ḳırḳ ādem geldi ve keşīş
.ġāyib oldı.

Hemān teziyye ʿaḳlı başına geldi. Ol ki
. Beçiñ içinden ve kelisādan keşīş çıḳardı. Beç
.elimden gideçegin ʿaḳ lım kesdi. Hemān bāzargānıñ
5 ġāret olan mālını gendü yanından gönderdi. Ḥālā
. Beçde Lebolştūt vāroşında ol Ġ āzī Seydī
.Paşanıñ ṣūretini yapmışdur durur. Başında ḳafesī
.ṣārıḳ ve altun ḥāl ṣorguç iledür. Ammā ol
.keşīşi öñüne çöktürmiş. Ṣaġ elinde ḳılıc boynun - 47 -

Biñ yüz otuz iki senesi māh-ı
.Receb-i şerīfiñ ikinci Pençşenbe güni Beçden bu ṭarafa
.revāne oldıġı beyān olunur. On beş pāre sefīne
.ile Belġrāda ʿazīmet olundı. Ḳarye-i Fişa sāʿat 2,5.
5 Ḳalʿa-i Yucun Ṭūna kenārındadur. Ġ āyet nāzik vilāyetdür.

.Ammā kelisālarınıñ biriniñ içinde bir çatal ḳız vār.
.Bi-emr-i ḫüdā yanlarınıñ ḳaba etlerinden bitişikdür. Anadan
.ṭoġmadur. İkisi yan-be-yandur ve gövde ikidür.
.Elleri ikişerdür. Ve ikisinün de ikişer ayaġı vardur. - 48 -
. […]İkisi daḫi başḳa başḳa ebāb giyerler.
.Ve ikisi de berāber otururlar ve ḳalḳarlar ve yürürler
.ve söyleşürler. Ve giydikleri elvān reng ammā on
.altışar yaşındadur. Ancaḳ biri ġāyet hüsnā ve biri
5 çirkin ve mecẕūbdur. İkisiniñ de aşaġıları bir fistān
.içindedür. Naḳl ile yazma degildür, görüb yazmadur.


.Ve ḳalʿanıñ içinde orta yerinde iki büyük şādırvān
.vardur. Her birinde beşer altışar arṣlan aġzı ṣular
.aḳar ve eṭrāfınıñ yalıñız bir hendegi vardur. İçi daḫi - 49 -

Ḳarye-i Gönye sāʿat 16. […] Ḳalʿa-i Ḳomrān ziyāde
.siyle nāzik ḳalʿadur. Ve ziyāde ṭob şenligi
.itdi. Ve Ṭūnanıñ orta yerinde adadur ve büyükdür.
.Ve çoḳ vāroşı vardur ve şenlikdür. Ḳarye-i Olmārş
5 ḳonaḳ sāʿat 8. […] Vīrān köydür.

Ḳalʿa-i Ūsṭūrġon sāʿat 8.
.Dāḫıl olduġumuzda ṭob şenligi itdiler. Ve ṭaşra
.̣̣kalʿasınıñ bir ṭarafı Ṭūna içinde ve iç ḳalʿası ṭaġ
.üzerindedür. Ammā vīrāndur. Ve ṭaşrasınıñ vāroşı
.çoḳdur. Ammā köy mis̠ ālidür. Ve ḳalʿanıñ içi şenlikli - 50 -
.degildür. Ve baġları ve meyvesi çoḳdur. Ḳarye-i Vācīn
.ḳonaḳ sāʿat 6. […] Maʿmūrdur bināları ve kārgīr degildür. [11]
.Ḳarşusına ḳonuldı. Ve düz yerdedür. Ḳoca Seydi
.Paşa yarım sāʿat yerde şehīd düşmişdür.

5 Ḳalʿa-i Budim ḳonaḳ sāʿat 6. İki gün oturaḳ
.oldu. Dāḫl olunduḳda ziyāde ṭob şenligi
.itdiler ve büyük ḳalʿadur. Çenglerde vīrān olmışdur.
.İçerüsiniñ evleri daḫi vīrāndur. Nemçe iʿtibār idüb
.taʿmīr itmemişdür ve yüksek yere yapılmışdur. Ammā Ṭūna - 51 -
.semtine ḳalʿadan başḳa dīvār çeküb Ṭūnaya indürüb
.ve Ṭūna içinde ḳulle yapılmışdur. Ammā virān olmışdur.
.Varoşı büyükdür. Ve maʿmūrdur. Ve yedi ılıçası
.vardur. Ve büyükdür. İkisiniñ ḥavżınıñ büyüklügi
5 ḳırḳ adımdur. Ve biriniñ dört ḫalveti var. Dördünde
.de birer ḥavuż vardur. Ve baġları ve meyvesi ziyādedür.
.Ve ḳarşusında bir ḳalʿa vardur. Peşte derler. Büyük ḳaṣ abadur.
.İki cāmiʿ-i şerīfi var. Mināreleriñ külāhından yıḳmışlardur.
.Ve iki gün daḫi oturaḳ olundı.

Ḳarye-i Aṭon Türkce - 52 -
. Cānḳurtaran sāʿat 12. Bir küçük ḳaryedür. Düz yerde-
.dür. Merḥūm Sulṭān Süleymān Beçden bozulub gelürken
.ḳonmış sūʾal buyurmışlar ki ardımızdan Nemçe ʿaskeri
.geliyor mu. Cevāb virmişler ki gelmiyor. El-ḥamdü li-llāhi teʿālā
5 cānımız ḳurtuldı dimişler. Andan Cānḳurtaran

Ḳarye-i Ḳudvār sāʿat 7,5. Büyük ḳaryedür. Ḳarye-i
.Yāfes sāʿat 6. Küçük ḳaryedür ve bāġları çoḳdur.
. Ḳarye-i Ṭolnā sāʿat 7,5. Büyük ḳaryedür. Ḳaṣaba-i Bāya
.sāʿat 8,5. Güzel ḳaṣabadur. Ḳarye-i Vörīşmārtirīn - 53 -
.sāʿat 8,5. Ḳarye-i Erteti sāʿat 12,5. Vīrān ḳalʿadur.
.Ve yüksek yerdedür. Ḳalʿa-i Bulġovār sāʿat 4. Ḳalʿa-i
.Īloḳ sāʿat 5. Vīrān ḳalʿadur. Ammā ṭaşrası
.büyükḳaryedür. Ḳarşusında bir büyük köy vardur.
5 Ol vāroşıdur.

Ḳalʿa-i Vardin [Petrovaradin] sāʿat 6.
.Dāḫıl olunduḳda ziyāde ṭob şenligi itdiler.
.Büyük ḳalʿadur. Ve yüksek yere yapılmışdur. Ve bir ṭarafı
.Ṭūna kenārındadur. Ve ḳara semtinde üç ḳat ḫendegi
.vardur. Ṭaşra ḫendeginiñ enligi on üç adımdur. - 54 -
.Orta ḫendeginiñ enligi on ṭokuz adımdur. Ḳalʿa
.dīvārınıñ dibindeki ḫendegi yigirmi üç adımdur.
.Ve ḳapudan içeri girdikde ḍ īvārıñ ḳalınlıġı elli
.ṭoḳuz adımdur. Ve zīyāde metīn ḳalʿadur. Ve hendekleri
5 içinde müceddeden ṭābyaları yapılmışlardur. Ve çoḳ laġımları
.vardur. Ve ḳalʿanıñ içinde bir dükkān yoḳdur. Ve şenlik
.degildür. Hemān gendü ʿaskerinden bir miḳdār solṭat
.vardur. Ḳumandānıyla oturur. Ve ʿasker-i İslām
.ḳonduġu semti ḥālā taʿmīr ideyor ve Türk(?) Aḥmed Paşanıñ - 55 -
.şehīd düşdügi semte müceddeden bir büyük ṭābya
.yabub taʿmīr iderdi. Ve ṭaşra ḳalʿası Ṭūna dibinde-
.dür. Ve Ṭūna içinden iki ṭābyası vardur. Vāroşı
.Ṭūnanıñ ḳarşu ṭarafındadur. Çarşusı vardur.
5 Ve şenlikdür. Ve ʿasker-i İslām ḳonduġi yerde bir tekye
.vardur. Gül Baba tekyesi derler. Bāġları ve meyvesi

Ḳalʿa-i İslānḳamene sāʿat 6. Ġ āyet ile vīrān
.ḳalʿadur. Ve köy olmışdur. Ve bir mināresi var ve ḳarşusında
. [? Titele] Ḳalʿası vardur. Ol daḫi vīrān olmışdur. - 56 -
.Ve öñünden Tīsa ṣuyı aḳar İslānḳamene öñünde
.karışur. Andan Belġrada gelindi. Tekrār Belġrad
.ḳalʿasından ziyāde ṭob şenligi itdiler. Baʿdehū
.ḳaradan bu ṭarafa ʿazīmet olındı. Veʾs-selām.
5 Taḥrīren fī sene 24 1138

Report on the departure of his excellency ambassador Ibrahim Pasha from Istanbul on March 23, 1719 and his journey to Vienna with the details of the individual stations on the road.

  • Istanbul to Adrianople 44 hours
  • Mustafa Paşa (The Mustafa Pasha Bridge/Старият мост, Bulgaria) station, 6 hours
  • Harmanlı (Харманли, Bulgaria) station, 6 hours
  • Uzuncaova (Узунджово, Bulgaria) station, 4 hours
  • Semizce (?, Bulgaria) station, 2,5 hours
  • Ḳayalı (Varbitsa/Върбица, Bulgaria) station, 2,5 hours
  • Babaslı (Popovitsa/Поповица, Bulgaria) station, 5 hours
  • Filibe (Plovdiv/Пловдив, Bulgaria) station, 5 hours
  • Tatarpazarcığı/Tatar Pazarcık (Pazardzhik/Пазарджик, Bulgaria) station, 6 hours
  • Yenimahalle (?, Bulgaria) station, 5 hours
  • İhtiman (Ihtiman/Ихтиман, Bulgaria) station, 6 hours
  • Yenihan/Yenikhan (Novi Han/Новихан, Bulgaria) station, 5 hours
  • Sofya (Sofia/София, Bulgaria) station, 5 hours
  • Halkalı (Slivnitsa/Сливница, Bulgaria) station, 6 hours
  • Sarı Burt/(Tsaribrod/Цариброд; present-day Dimitrovgrad/Димитровград, Serbia) station, 4 hours
  • Şarköy [Şehirköy] (Pirot/Пирот, Serbia) station, 4 hours
  • Akbalanka/Akpalanka (Bela Palanka/Бела Паланка, Serbia ) station, 4 hours
  • Bane (?, Serbia) station, 4 hours
  • Niş (Niš/Ниш, Serbia) station, 2 hours

On the eight day of Cemāz̠īyüʾl-āḫir, [we] entered Niš. We camped outside of the town in tents and stayed there for 36 days. [At that time,] the former agha of the janissaries, his excellency the illustrious Vizier Abdallah Pasha – who was the governor of Rūmili – was located in Niš with all of his provincial troops. However, he was not residing inside the fortress. [He] camped with his provincial troops outside of the fortress. He and the ambassador pasha were in contact with each other.

Before the ambassador pasha entered Niš, a few cases of plague had occurred there; he entered the town after that. The reason why his excellency the ambassador pasha resided in Niš for thirty-six days was that the ambassador of the Austrian Emperor Charles had not yet set out from Vienna - that’s why we lodged there.[1] Abdallah Pasha and the ambassador pasha dispatched the steward of the Rumelian provincial ushers to Belgrade to bring news of the aforementioned [Austrian] ambassador. On the day the ambassador arrived in Belgrade from Vienna in fourteen days with his equipments on eighty-five ships, the aforementioned steward brought the news to the pashas in Niš through a courier that the ambassador had arrived in Belgrade.

On the twenty-fourth day of the great month of Receb [we] set out from Niš. His excellency Abdallah Pasha was instructed with an imperial order to take his provincial troops situated at Niş - four of the janissary companies, an artillery company, and ten cannons - and to go to the border together with the ambassador pasha, and have the ambassadors meet each other and to be present at their meetings. He took the aforementioned soldiers and the ambassador with him and moved to the border.

  • Kanlıḳavak (?, Serbia) station, 2 hours
  • Aleksinse (Aleksinac/Алексинац, Serbia) station, 4 hours
  • Racne/Raçne (Ražanj/Ражањ, Serbia) station, 4 hours
  • Parakin/Parekin (Paraćin/Параћин, Serbia) station, 6 hours
At a location in between and three hours from both of Ražanj and Paraćin, his excellency the former chief treasurer, Sarı Mustafa Pasha, erected three stones representing the border between the two states. [We] set out from Ražanj and advanced to the border stones. One hour before from the meeting point, at the location known as the Kınalıoğlu Farm, his excellency Abdallah Pasha had canopies and tents set up for the Austrian ambassador. [We] stopped here for an hour. A man was dispatched to report to the Austrian ambassador that he should come to the border. It was reported that the Austrian ambassador had arrived. As the musical band played, the two pashas advanced to the border stone. The ambassador pasha had a tent set up on this side of the border stone and near it. The two pashas dismounted at the same time and they sat down. The Austrian ambassador also dismounted on their side of the border at a spot close to the border stones and he dispatched three unbelievers to the pashas. They came and met [the pashas] at the canopy, saying:

“Our ambassador asks for news that you have come.” For their part, [the two pashas] sent the chief steward of Rumelia along with the chief steward of the ambassador pasha to the the Austrian ambassador to ask if he had already come. The departed men returned and said: “Please come; the ambassador mounted and is coming to the border stone.” Abdallah Pasha left the ambassador Ibrahim Pasha at the canopy and mounted on his horse. He marched to the border as his band played and pulling behind him all of his provincial retinue, and [further behind] the janissary companies and ten pieces of artillery.

Abdallah Pasha was the commander-in-chief [on the Ottoman side]. On the Austrian side, the Belgrade General O’Dwyer [Count John O’dwyer/ Oduyer] was appointed the Austrian commander-in-chief over the Austrian ambassador. He also came by mounted, leaving his ambassador behind where they settled (on their side of the border). The commander-in-chief[s] had nearly 15,000 troops.[2] Abdallah Pasha came by the border stones on our side, while the Austrian came by the border stone on their side.

The border stones are three erected stones which are forty paces apart. Both men were still mounted on horses. Abdallah Pasha looks at the Belgrade General O’Dwyer/Oduyer for him to get off his horse, while O’Dwyer/Oduyer looks at Abdallah Pasha for him to get off his horse. The Belgrade general finally grew impatient and prepared to get off his horse before his excellency Abdallah Pasha. Afterwards Abdallah Pasha too got ready to do the same. However, the general moved so quickly to pull [his] foot out of the stirrup [that] both of them dismounted at the same time. Abdallah Pasha walked from the stone on our side to the one in the middle and General O’Dwyer/Oduyer also walked [to the same point] from the stone on his side. Both met at the center stone, shook hands, sat down, and held their ambassadorial meetings.[3]

It was Thursday, the 27th day of the sublime month of Rajab. The weather was exceedingly nice and sunny. After their friendly conversation, Abdallah Pasha sent a message to the ambassador Ibrahim Pasha to honor the [exchange location]. Ibrahim Pasha put on a ceremonial turban, attached an aigrette to it and mounted on horseback from the canopy. As his band played and the aghas of the inner court followed behind him in a procession, he advanced to the border stone. As the Austrian ambassador, too, mounted on horseback from his side of the border and approached to the border stone while drums were being played, the weather changed by the will of the Almighty God. When the two ambassadors came to the stones, it started drizzle.

They did not yet get off their horses and looked at each other to see who should get off first. At last, the Austrian ambassador grew impatient and prepared to get off his horse first. Then, our ambassador Ibrahim got ready to do the same. Finally, both [of them] dismounted from [their] horse[s], but the Austrian ambassador was so much quicker than to pull [his] foot out of the stirrup. Both came forty steps forward, met at the stone in the middle and shook hands. Our commander-in-chief, Abdallah Pasha, and the Austrian commander-in-chief, the Belgrade General O’Dwyer were standing on their feet. They stood still along with the ambassadors and they all sat down forming a square.

Suddenly a heavy downpour of rain fell, as if it were being emptied from a cup. It eventually stopped. The four of them sat down and began to discuss peace issues. After both parties gave their answers, the rain also let up. While they were discussing the peace issues, the luggage of our soldiers was piled up next to the [border] stone on our side so that they could stay there. Not a single man crossed over to the other side. The Austrian soldiers with all their equipments gathered by the border stone and stayed there. None of them crossed over to this side either. After Abdallah Pasha, the ambassador Ibrahim Pasha, the Austrian ambassador and the Belgrade General O’Dwyer had finished the peace deliberations, permission was given to both parties.

As a sign of joy, our troops fired a volley of rifle shots. There were about 15,000 troops. A volley of ten cannon shots was fired. A volley of rifle shots was fired also from the Austrian side as well as a volley of ten cannon shots. Thereafter, on both sides, a volley of two rifle shots and a volley of cannon shots were fired. Next, his excellency Abdallah Pasha held in his hand the hand of ambassador Ibrahim Pasha and said to the Belgrade General Uṭvār: “This is the grand ambassador of the emperor of the House of Osman [Ottomans]. He is sent so that there may be peace and righteusness. If God, may his name be exalted, wills it, I want him back from you safe and sound at his return at this point.” And the aforementioned general took in his hand the hand of his ambassador [and said]: "This is an intimate friend of the Austrian emperor - which, not to make a comparison, means [ padişah ] in the Austrian (German) language - and I too demand him from you again at this point." Then he handed over the ambassador to his excellency ʿAbdallah Pasha.[4]

Thereafter, permissions were given for the transfer of luggages. Our luggage crossed to the Austrian side and territory while the equipments of the Austrians crossed to our side of the border. Abdallah Pasha took the Austrian ambassador and brought him over and the Belgrade General took our ambassador, Ibrahim Pasha, to the aforementioned town of Paraćin where the general also spent the night. In the morning, the general appointed a comissary. The word comissary ([ ḳomsār ]) means provisions supervisor. The Belgrade General also appointed four hundred cavalrymen [to escort us]. He then went to Belgrade on horseback with his troops. The comissary took the four-hundred cavalrymen and [we] set out for Vienna.

  • Yagudine/Yagudina (Jagodina/Јагодина, Serbia) station, 4 hours
  • Devebağırdan/Deve Bağırdan (Bagrdan/Багрдан, Serbia) station, 5 hours
  • Paṭçine (Batočina/Баточина, Serbia) station, 6 hours
  • Hasanpaşa Palankası (Smederevska Palanka/Смедеревска Паланка, Serbia) station, 4 hours
  • Kular (Kolari/Колари, Serbia) station, 4 hours
  • Hisarcık (Grocka/Гроцка, Serbia) station, 4 hours
  • Belgrad (Belgrad/Београд, Serbia) station, 4 hours
As we entered Belgrade, the aforementioned General O’Dwyar organized such a progression that it is impossible to describe it: Cavalarymen were seperate and foot soldiers were seperate [and impressive] and he also had a [welcome] rejoicing displayed via a volley of one-hundred and sixty cannon shots fired from the fortress. And he had the [embassy convoy] encamped in the cemetery in the direction of the market on the Sava [River].

He had all the cemetery stones removed and brought to the fortress. The Sava River side of the fortress had been bombed and destroyed in the war. Yet he made it highly resistant and fortified again, and repaired the rest of the destroyed parts. However, he does not allow a single subject to enter the fortress but warriors; he also placed guards in the fortress trenches and other places who would not let anyone pass and were very vigilant. From above, he had eight galleons brought down which stood opposite the fortress on the Danube. The houses and shops on the Danube side have all been turned into wine taverns. The shops on the Sava market conduct the same trade as before while the poor peasants are weakened and oppressed by the hands of the Austrians. Some mosques in the fortress were turned into barracks and some into ammunition depots. Their minarets are still standing, but they knocked off the spire of a minaret and turned it into a clock tower. The clock still rings. The hammams are still there, too, but they have been turned into residential buildings. Only one hammam has been preserved and it is still in operation. We stayed for four days.

Opposite from Belgrade is

  • Zemin (Zemun/Земун, Serbia) station, 12 hours
  • Yanofca (Stari Banovci/Стари Бановци(?), Serbia) station, 22 hours
  • Devironse (Dobrinci/Добринци, Serbia) station, 5 hours
  • Şaşansi (Šašinci/Шашинци, Serbia) station, 3 hours
  • Laçark (Laćarak/Лаћарак, Serbia) station, 3 hours
  • Tuvarnik (Tovarnik, Croatia) station, 7 hours
  • Kale-i Bulgovar/Bulgovar Kalesi (Vukovar, Croatia) station, 4 hours
Vukovar is a desolate fortress with no life inside. The suburb outside of it is large, has a market, and there is also fruit.
  • Fortress Osijek station, 6 hours
When we entered the fortress, they displayed a [welcome] rejoicing via firing a volley of one-hundred cannon shots. If one asks about the state of construction of the fortress, it is very strong and well-maintained and is situated on a high ground. Outside on three sides, they are building new entrenchments. A large river flows by on one side, it is called Drava. There is a triple ditch there. The width of the outer trench is sixty-two paces and that of the inner ditch is one-hundred sixty-two paces. The inner wall of the fortress gate is twenty-two paces thick. It is made of brick and is very strong. Its houses are made of stone and the villages around them are flourishing.

  • Darde (Dárda, Croatia) station, 2 hours
  • Briyevar (Branjin Vrh, Croatia; Hungarian: Baranyavár) station, 6 hours
  • Mohaç Ovası (Mohács, Mohács Plain, Hungary) station, 6,5 hours
With the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan [we came to the]
  • Kala-i Seçuy, Seçuy Kalesi (Dunaszekcső (Szekcsö Fortress), Hungary) station, 6,5 hours
Szekcsö Fortress is a destroyed and uninhabited fortress. At a short distance outside of it, however, there are houses which form a village.
  • Batosek (Bátaszék, Hungary) station, 3,5 hours
  • Kala-i Seksar / Seksar Kalesi (Szekszárd Fortress, Hungary) station, 5 hours
Szekszárd Fortress is partially ruined and it has a few houses inside it which are there to be opened and closed. But there are many houses in good condition outside the fortress.

  • Medina (Hungary) 5 hours
  • Şimatorne (Simontornya, Hungary) station, 2 hours
  • Şanise (Šanisa, Hungary) station, 6 hours
  • Kala-i İstolnibelgrad (Székesfehérvár, Hungary) 4 hours
When we entered inside the fortress, many cannon volleys were fired. It is a strong fortress. The moat on the four sides is wide and filled with water and contains reeds. It is extremely steep. There are drawbridges in front of their gates.

  • Mór village (Hungary) station, 5 hours
  • Karye-i Asar (Ászár Village, Hungary) station, 5 hours
  • Kale-i Yafek (Győr, Hungary; German: Raab; in Turkish also Yanıkkale) 5 hours
As we entered inside the fortress, a [welcome] rejoicing was displayed via a volley of hundred and fifty cannon shots. It is an extremely strong, well-fortified, and large fortress. Its buildings are made of stone and in good condition. Each of the houses is like an entrenchment (or pallisade). It has churches inside. In a large church there is an organ which the priests play. The construction of the fortress is quite strong. It has a triple moat. Large amount of water flow in all three. One of them is connected with the Danube, while the other two are connected with different waterways both of which are equally large rivers. The thickness of the fortress wall is 18 paces. With the exception of Belgrade, we entered inside aforementioned fortresses and inspected them, and the officers did not prevent it.

  • Sad Nikola (Mosonszentmiklós, Hungary; in German: Sankt Niklas bei Leiden), 3 hours
  • Altikörk (Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary; German: Ungarisch-Altenburg) station, 4 hours
  • Tabçantor (Deutsch Jahrndorf, Austria; Hungarian: Németjárfalu) station, 4 hours
In the Austrian (German) language, Deutsch means Nemçe (Austria) and [ Tor f ] means village.
  • Kala-i Burk/Burk Kalesi (Bruck an der Leitha, Austria)
station, 4 hours. It is a small and weak fortress with two gates.
  • Şiveket (Schwechat, Austria) station, 6 hours
. It is a residence of the king and has a lot of houses. There is also a royal palace, but no one lives inside of it except a guard. We went inside and took a tour. Vienna Fortress (Austria) station, 2 hours. After we entered Schwechat, we stayed there for four days.

On Monday, the twenty-eight day of the holy month of Ramadan, we were scheduled to enter the fortress of Vienna with a parade. [For the entrance ceremony] fifty musketeers were appointed from among the janissaries of the imperial court. One day before, on Sunday, the following message came from the Austrian emperor: “The musketeers shall march behind his excellency pasha and they shall not point [the muzzle of] their muskets upwards and point [the muzzle] downwards. We will appoint Austrian musketeers to march behind the pasha. Further behind them shall march the [Ottoman] musketeers pointing [the muzzle of] their muskets downwards.” That was the message that came. The musketeers replied as follows: We will not part with the Pasha and we will not hold the (muzzle of) our rifles downwards. They also said: We will march like the others in the train. Finally, from their side, Austrian [musketeers] were sent. They came early on Monday morning and the ceremonial train was prepared. His excellency pasha put on a ceremonial turban, pinned on it an aigrette, and mounted [on his horse]. The musketeers marched pointing their rifles up. The aghas of the inner court marched behind them. After all, the miserable infidels and the emperor had organized such [s]parade that they wanted it to be unprecedented; with such parade we entered Vienna. Our provisions were (regularly delivered) by the aforementioned comissary.

Finally, on Monday, the twenty-eight [the Ottoman ambassador] went to give the emperor the sultanic letter dispatched by the Ottoman emperor, the refuge of the world.[5] On that day, too, there was a very solemn procession and the order of train was as follows: At the front [marched] the Austrian musketeers and behind them the members of the court and the volunteers, followed by the chief steward and further behind the gifts and presents of the glorious [Ottoman] emperor, the refuge of the world, then the treasurer agha and the key keeper agha, behind them the head of the tent pitchers with his people, then the aghas of the the imperial court ushers, then the bearded aghas, then the reserve horses of the [ambassador] pasha, then the [legation] interpreter and the chief of gatekeepers, and behind his excellency the ambassador pasha.

A special carriage had come from the king and the pasha rode in this carriage, [followed] behind by the musketeers and further behind by the aghas of the inner court; [the train] went to the king in this fashion. The sultanic letter dispatched by the [Ottoman] emperor, the refuge of the world, was carried in front of his excellency the ambassador pasha, in the hands of the legation secretary. Finally, they arrived at the imperial palace. The [Ottoman] ushers were instructed not to applaud his excellency, [the ambassador] pasha, and they they did not applaud.

The pasha got out of the carriage, entered [the room] where the emperor was, and the meeting took place. Along with the pasha, thirteen persons entered [the room where] the emperor was. The emperor was standing on his feet. His excellency [the] pasha spoke the words that he was to utter, and the emperor’s deputy said: “Agreeble and suitable.” The ambassador handed over the sultanic letter and also mentioned the gifts. The emperor’s deputy responded that [the gifts] should be brought and [the pasha] handed them over. [The emperor did not speak] for it was not customary for the emperor to speak in the presence of the ambassadors. After [the pasha] gave all the answers, handed over the sultanic letter, and delivered the presents, he went outside, got on the carriage, and in a solemn procession returned to his lodging quarters.[6]

Afterwards, after two days passed, [the ambassador] went to the chief minister, named prens (prince). Prens means “vizier, the owner of the seal.” The ambassador handed over his letters and presents and he came back in a solemn procession. But the so-called prens did not attend the audience with the king; that was not the custom. However, at the palace of prens, the ushers applauded the pasha.

Now [we] mention the sightseeing inside Vienna. One day, there was festive firing of cannon shots. For what reason do they have festive firing of cannon shots? They organized festivities again on [the emperor’s] birthday. [It was said] that it was the day on which Kara Mustapha Pasha was defeated [following] his arrival to [and siege of] Vienna.[7]

One day the emperor’s mother died. Her body was left for three days without being taken to the tomb. Twelve doctors were appointed who cut and opened her stomach, removed her entrails and filled her stomach with spices. After three days her body was buried in the cemetery of a large monastery located within the Vienna Fortress. Her entrails were also buried in the cemetery of another monastery. The Austrians who talked about it reported it this way, but it is not necessarily a lie. The king mourned deeply and had all of his Austrian inner circle put on black and dark clothes because it was the custom to wrap oneself in black clothes for a year.

Now the houses of the city of the Vienna fortress are reported: Its buildings are extremely high. They are eight and nine story high and they have basements. They are made of stone, each three and four stories. Now the gates of the fortress are reported. The Red Gate (Rotenturmtor), Ungartor (Stubentor), Venice Gate (Kärntnertor), Kaiser Gate (Äußere Burgtor?), New Gate (Neutor), the Second New Gate (Neue Rotenturmtor), the Water Gate (previously located in front of the Neue Rotenturmtor), [and] the Old Gate (Schottentor?). Only this old gate is closed. The reason for this is that Kara Mustapha Pasha entered through this gate into the city. That’s why it’s closed and fallen into disuse.

In front of each of the eight gates there are large bastions enclosed by extremely wide, single story entrenchments. The Danube flows at the foot of the fortress. From [a point further upstream] on the Danube, a branch was diverted. The shipyard is also situated on this diverted branch of the Danube.

The city has a superintendant. The interior of the fortress is extremely busy. The shops are still open 3.5 hours after nightfall. A glass lantern burns on the eaves of each shop, which [make them] look like [the portholes of] a fleet. The gates of the fortress are also open until 3:30. Then they are closed.

Now the districts of the fortress should be mentioned: the Venetian suburb(?), Leopoldstadt suburb, Hungary suburb (Landstraße?), Mariahilfer suburb, St. Ulrich suburb(?), Kroatendörfel (Kravattendörfel),[8] Rossau, Wiesen (Wizin) suburb, [and] Wieden suburb. There are nine suburbs. All of them are magnificent. Every single house resembles a pallisade and is in very good condition. The surrounding villages are in a similar condition.

One and a half hour on this side [to the east of the city] there is a small fortress called “the pavilion of Sultan Suleiman.” It is an extremely beautiful fortress. It has twenty towers like those of Yedikule (Seven Towers, Istanbul). [9] It is the emperor’s lion house. He has three lions; two are small and one is large. But the lion that came with us [as a gift] is bigger than the [emperor’s big] lion. Two lions had come with us, but one of them died(?) two stations before [we arrived in] Vienna. [The emperor] also has four tigers; they are ferocious tigers, but they are also very elegant. He also has a few bears, and there is also a bird four times the size of a turkey; it is black and, through God’s omnipotence, his claws grow out of his chest.

If one asks of the fruits, every kind of fruit can be found except olives. There are young olive trees; they do not bear olives but they bloom. However, they are not like [the olive trees] in Istanbul. And there are many hyacinths – white and double-flowered. There are also beautiful vineyards and gardens.

We stayed inside the city of Vienna for nine months and five days without a break. [As the end of our stay approached] his excellency the ambassador pasha went [to an audience] to receive the emperor’s letter [to the sultan]. It is reported here: On Saturday, Cemaziyülahir 5, 1132 a carriage came from the emperor. The [pasha] organized his train and rode in the carriage. He again put on a ceremonial turban and went to the imperial palace. The ushers did not applaud him.

His excellency the pasha entered in [the room where] the emperor was located, accompanied by sixteent attendants. The emperor stood on his feet. The emperor’s deputy responded: “Our peace is true peace with the condition to prevent any breach of it, from whichever side.” His excellency the Ambassador pasha replied: “Agreed!” He then took the letter of the emperor [addressed to the sultan] and handed it over to the legation secretary. The sixteen men from us who had entered [the room where] the king was located, came out of the king’s room. As the ambassador pasha was leaving, the king took off his hat slightly and saluted. Then, [the pasha] came to his residence in a solemn procession. [This time] nothing was given as a gift. On Tuesday, the fifteenth of the aforementioned month (Cemaziyülahir), [the ambassador] went again in a festive procession to the chief minister, named prens (prince). [The pasha] gave prens his gifts and received from him his letters [adressed to the sultan and grand vizier] and his presents and came back in a solemn procession to his residence.

On the second day [following the meeting] his excellency the ambassador pasha dispatched his master of stables with his camels, his mules, and his servants to Belgrade by land. On the sixth day, he sent his janissaries on ships via the Danube. However, forty men died.

When the deceased Kara Mustapha Pasha undertook a campaign to Vienna in 1093, [the troops] entered the Vienna Fortress and they incapacitated Austria. A brave Egyptian man captured an entire house in the fortress. When the reinforcement forces of Austria arrived seven days later, the troops of Islam were routed. The brave Egyptian fell a martyr with the will of God. On the wall of that house, they erected a stone image of him. It is still there and they still praise him.

When Sultan Suleiman carried out a campaign to Vienna and his army was routed there, a reputable man named Kasım Woiwode fell a martyr with 40,000 other man in a place two hours further away. Even now it is said that one hears the echo of the litany of praise of Muhammad every Friday night. Statues of brave men like the aforementioned Egyptian have been erected in some places; they are still standing now.

And [there was a time] when Deli Seydi Pasha was the governor of Buda.[10] He was a very valiant and powerful frontier raider in non-Muslims lands (ġāzī). During his times, as a merchant from Buda was travelling to Vienna, his merchandise was looted on Austrian soil. The merchant came back, submitted a petition about the matter to the deceased Seydi Pasha, and let him know what had happened. Seydi Pasha sent a written command (buyuruldu) to the king of Vienna in which he said: "The merchandise of a merchant who travelled from here [to Vienna] was looted on your soil. When my command arrives, you should have the merchant’s money found and send it to this direction (to Buda). If it is not found, you should pay for the damage from your own [coffer] and send it in. If you say 'no, no', you will lose your crown and throne."

When the command reached the king, he replied: “in your dreams!” As soon as this news reached Seydi Pasha, he sent forty disguised men to Vienna. These forty men entered Vienna [fortress], kidnapped a monk from a church inside the fortress and brought him to Buda to Seydi Pasha. Neither the king nor anyone else had any news of the monk’s kidnapping.

Let’s get back to Seydi Pasha. He wanted to chop off the monk’s [head]; yet [those around him] asked him not to do so and he pardoned him. Again, news was sent to the king: “[Seydi Pasha] has so-and-so monk kidnapped from so-and-so church inside the fortress and has the monk brought to him. He wanted to have his neck chopped off but we asked and have him pardoned. You should know that you may lose the crown and throne; you should endeavor to send the money as soon as possible.” When the king heard this, he felt as if his crown became too tight for his head, and he had the monk’s whereabouts investigated at the church. The monk was not there. He asked how come the monk was lost? They replied: “Forty men came and the monk disappeared.”

Thereupon he was instantly terrified. [He thought to himself:] "[The Pasha] kidnapped a monk from inside Vienna and from a church. It is possible that I could also lose Vienna." He immediately sent [the value of] the merchant’s stolen merchandise from his own purse. He erected the statue of that victorious Seydi Pasha in Vienna in the Leopoldstadt suburb, which still stands with a turban on his head and a golden aigrette; [in the statue] he made that monk kneel before him and he is choping off the monk’s head with a sword in his right hand.

[The following] relates the setting out from Vienna to this direction (to the Sublime Porte) on Thursday, the second of the sublime month of Rajab 1132. We left for Belgrade with fifteen ships. Ḳarye-i Fişa / Fişa köyü (Fischament Dorf, Austria), 2.5 hours. Ḳala-i Yucun / Yucun Kalesi (Pozsony/Bratislava, Slovakia) on the banks of the Danube. It is an extremely elegant district.

In one of their monasteries there are twin sisters, who, by the decree of God, are conjoined on the sides of their buttocks. They are congenitally so. They are side by side and have two bodies and two hands. And each have two feet. Both put on different clothes and both sith down, get up, walk, and talk together. They wear clothes of many colors and they are sixteen years old. One of them is very beautiful and the other one is ugly and deranged. Their lower bodies are inside a single dress. This is not a description based on a narrative [from someone else], but a description based on [personal] visual testimony.[11] Inside the fortress, there are two large fountains in the middle: each have five to six lions and water flows from their mouths. Around [the fortress] there is only one ditch filled with water.

Gönyö köyü (Gönyű village, Hungary), 16 hours. Komran/Komoron Kalesi (Komárom, Hungary is a particularly beautiful fortress. [They] fired many cannoball shots. It is an island in the middle of the Danube and it is a large one. It has many quarters and they are lively. Almás village, station, 8 hours. It is a ruined village.

Usturgon/Estergon (Esztergom, Hungary; in German: Gran), 8 hours. When we entered the fortress, cannons were fired. Part of the outer fortress lies in the Danube, while the inner fortress is situated on a mountain, but the latter is deserted. There are many many suburbs outside, but they are like villages. The interior of the fortress is uninhabited. It has many vineyards and plenty of fruit. Karye-i Vacin/Vacin köyü (Vác, Hungary) , station, 6 hours. It is inhabited [but] its buildings are not made of stone. [We] camped accross the village. It is located on a flat area. Koca Seydi Pasha fell a martyr at a location half an hour distance.

Buda Fortress, station, 6 hours. [We] stayed here for two days. When we entered the fortress, many cannon shots were fired. It is a large fortress, but it was ruined in [previous] wars; even the houses inside are in ruins. The Austrians did not consider it important and did not restore it. It is laid out on a hill. In addition to the walls of the fortress, [they] built another wall stretching down to the Danube, and a tower was built in the Danube, but it is in ruins. The suburb [of the fortress] is large and inhabited. It has seven thermal baths and they are large. The size of the basins of two of them is forty paces each; one has four special compartments and four of them has a basin. It also has many vineyards and orchards. Opposite is a fortress called Pest. It is a large village. It has two mosques, but they have knocked off the spires of their minarets. [We] stayed here two days.

Adony village (Hungary), in Turkish Cankurtaran, 12 hours. It is a small village on flat terrain. When the [army of] deceased Sultan Suleiman was routed and returning from Vienna, he camped here and asked: “Are Austrian soldiers coming after us?” The answer was: “No, they are not coming.” He said: “Thank God our lives are saved.” Named after that [response], [the name] remained Cankurtaran (lit: lifesaver.)

Födvá village, 7,5 hours. It’s a big village. Yafes köyü (Paks, Hungary), 6 hours. It is a small village with many vineyards. Tolna village, 7,5 hours. It is a big village. Baya (Bajaö Hungary), a small town. It is a beautiful small town. Vörişmartirin (Zmajevac, Croatia; in Hungarian: Vörösmart) village, 8,5 hours. Ertet köyü (Erdut, Croatia) village, 12,5 hours. It is a ruined fortress and it is situated on high ground. Bulgovar Kalesi (Vukovar, Croatia), 4 hours. Illok Kalesi (Ilok, Croatia), 5 hours. It is a fortress in ruins, but the outer quarter is a large village. Opposite from it is a large village, a suburb of the former.

Vardin Kalesi (Petrovaradin/Петроварадин, Serbia), 6 hours. When we entered the fortress, many cannon shots were fired. It is a large fortress and it is built on a high ground. One side of the fortress lies on the bank of the Danube. On the land side, it has a triple ditch. The outer ditch is thirteen paces wide and the middle ditch is nineteen paces wide. The ditch at the foot of the fortress wall is twenty-three paces wide. When one enters inside the fortress through the gate, the thickness of the wall is fifty-nine paces. It is a very robust fortress. There are additional entrenchments built inside the ditch and it has many [counter]mines. Inside the fortress there isn’t a single shop, nor is it inhabited. There are only a few soldiers from their own forces and they reside with their commander. They are still repairing the area where the troops of Islam once camped. They were still building up a new large entrenchment where the Turk(?) Ahmed Pasha had fallen a martyr and they were doing reparation works. The outer fortification is on the banks of the Danube and it has two entrenchments rising on the riverbed. The suburb of the fortress is on the opposite side of the Danube. It has a market and it is inhabited. At the place where the troops of Islam camped there is a dervish lodge. It is called “Gül Baba Lodge.” It has many vineyards and orchards.

İslankamen Kalesi (Slankamen/Сланкамен, Serbia), 6 hours. The fortress is very much in ruins. It has now become a village. It has a minaret and accross from it is the Titel Kalesi (Titel/Тител, Serbia). That fortress too is in ruins. The Tisza flows in front of it and merges with the Danube before Slankamen. From there [we] came to Belgrade. Again numerous cannon volleys were fired from the Belgrade Fortress. Then, [we] traveled by land to this direction (to Istanbul). And that’s that! Written on 24th Cemaziyülevvel 1138.