30. Juni 1719
Sofia nach Wien
Damian Hugo von Virmont
ÖStA, HHStA Wien
Staatenabteilungen, Türkei I
Kt. 184-2, fol. 124r-127v
Lisa Brunner, Manuela Mayer
Stephan Kurz
Arno Strohmeyer
Virmont reports on Nicolo Theyls's services and expects him to serve the emperor well. He mentions that there are no developments concerning the affairs of the Christians in Chios and the restitution of churches to them, but he will work diligently on the matter. Then, he summarizes his entry to Sofia and the ceremonies during which he was presented with a horse as a gift. At the end of the letter, he gives further information about the slave who was set free and presented to him by the commander of Nissa, Abdullah Pasha.
>Damian Hugo von Virmont an den Hofkriegsrat, Sofia, 30. Juni 1719, bearb. von Lisa Brunner, Manuela Mayer, Datenmodellierung: Stephan Kurz, in: Die Großbotschaften Damien Hugo von Virmonts und Ibrahim Paschas (1719/20), hg. von Arno Strohmeyer und Stephan Kurz (Digitale Edition von Quellen zur habsburgisch-osmanischen Diplomatie 1500-1918, hg. von Arno Strohmeyer, Projekt 1), Wien 2022.
Online unter: https://gams.uni-graz.at/o:vipa.l.hbg.17190630
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