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[1] 159
. Bihke× sancaġı begine ḥüküm ki:

.Ḳıdvetü ümerāʾi’l-milleti’l-mesīḥiyye Romā imperāṭorı× ṭarafından büyükilçilik ile der-i devlet-medāruma gelen Cenerāl Ġrūf de Virmond×
.ḫutimet ʿavāḳibühū bi-l-ḫayr südde-i saʿādetüme mühürlü ʿarż-ı ḥāl gönderüb
nās yedinde bulunan esīrler daḫī münāsib vecihle mümkin olan maʿḳūl
.ve muʿtedil bahā ile ıṭlāḳları cāʾiz ola esīr ṣāḥibi ile uzlaşılmayub nizāʿ vāḳiʿ olduḳda ḥākimü’l-vaḳt olanlar
5 mābeynlerin tevfīk eyleye diyü ʿahdnāme-i hümāyūnda mesṭūr ve muḳayyed olmaḳla
müşārün ileyh Romā imperāṭorı× reʿāyāsında Ḫırvāt×
.memleketi sākininden Plāsnīç× [1] nām kimesne esnā-yı cengde esīr düşüb ve sen ki mīr-i mūmā ileyhsin ḥālā senüñ yanuñda esīrüñ
.olub ʿahdnāme-i hümāyūn muḳteżāsınca maʿḳūl bahā ile ḫalāṣ olmaḳ lāzım iken müşārün ileyhimüñ serḥaddinde(?) olan
.cenerāl esīr-i mesfūr×ı mübādele içün ṭarafıña bir müselmān esīri ile yüz altmış altun gönderüb alıḳodıġuñdan ṣoñra
.ḥadden birūn aḳça muṭālebesiyle esīr-i mesfūr×ı ṣalıvirmeyüb ḫilāf-ı ʿahdnāme-i hümāyūn teʿaddī eyledügiñ bildürüb
vech-i meşrūḥ
10 üzere muḳaddemā ṭarafıña gönderilen müselmān esīri ve ol miḳdār altun ile esīr-i mezbūr mübādele ve vilāyetine irsāl
.olunmaḳ bābında ḥükm-i hümāyūnum ricā eyledügi ecilden
sen ki mīr-i mūmā ileyhsin nās yedinde bulunan esīrlerüñ muʿtedil
.bahā ile ıṭlāḳları cāʾiz olmaḳ ʿahdnāme-i hümāyūnda mesṭūr ve esīr-i mesfūruñ muḳābelesinde bir müselmān esīri ile
.meblaġ-ı mezbūr virilmişken ḳanāʿat olunmayub daḫī ziyāde aḳça muṭālebesiyle ʿahdnāme-i hümāyūn şürūṭına muġāyir
.ḥareket ile ḥadd-i iʿtidāl tecāvüz olunmaġın iʿlām olundıġı üzere meblaġ-ı meẕḳūrı ve esīri aldıḳdan ṣoñra
15 ziyāde ṭalebiyle taʿcīz olunmayub teslīm eylemek bābında fermān-ı ʿālī-şānum ṣādır olmışdur buyurdum ki×.
fī evāḫir-i Ṣ[afer] sene 1132
[1] Decree to the district administrator of Bihać×: General [Damian Hugo] Count of Virmont×—may God end his days propitiously—who came to my gate that is the center of state as grand ambassador from the Roman emperor×, the paragon of the great commanders of the community of Messiah, sent a sealed petition to my threshold of felicity [about the following matter]: It is written and recorded in the imperial letter of agreement (ʿahdnāme-i hümāyūn) that it shall be lawful to free the captives who are found in possession of people in an appropriate way with the payment of a potential price that is acceptable and reasonable; in case no agreement is reached with the owner of a captive and a disagreement occurs, the notables shall intermediate between the two parties. [The ambassador×] reported that a person named Plasnič× [1], a resident of the Croatian× land from among the subjects of the aforesaid Roman emperor×, fell prisoner during the war. You are the aforesaid [administrator]: Plasnič× is by you and your captive. Although his liberation was required in return for a reasonable price according to the imperial letter of agreement, you not only withheld the Muslim prisoner and one-hundred sixty golden pieces that were sent to you in exchange for the aforesaid prisoner, but you also demanded an excessive amount of money and did not release the captive. You transgressed in this way in violation of the imperial letter of agreement. [The ambassador×] requested my imperial decree for you to exchange, in the described way, the Muslim prisoner and the gold previously sent to you for the aforesaid captive× and dispatch the captive to his land. You are the aforementioned commander! It is written in the imperial letter of agreement that the release of the captives in possession of the people in return for a moderate price is lawful. The limit of moderation was breached by not being content when a Muslim prisoner and the aforesaid amount [of gold] were delivered [to you] in exchange and by demanding additional money. In this way, the conditions of the imperial letter of agreement have been breached. My illustrious edict has been issued that, as declared, after receiving the aforesaid amount of money and the [Muslim] prisoner, no violation shall be committed by demanding more, and [the captive] shall be delivered. So have I× commanded! January 3 to January 12, 1720