[1] 149

. Sāḳız× ḳāḍīsına ḥüküm:

.Ḳıdvetü ümerāʾi’l-milleti’l-mesīḥiyye Romā imperāṭorı× ṭarafından
.der-i devlet-medāruma büyükilçilik ile gelen Cenerāl Ġrūf
.de Virmond×
ḫutimet ʿavāḳibühū bi-l-ḫayr südde-i saʿādetüme ʿarż-ı ḥāl gönderüb

5 memālik-i maḥrūsemde Sāḳız× cezīresine müşārün ileyh Romā imperāṭorı×nuñ
.bayraġıyla gelüb gidüb tüccār ve reʿāyāsınuñ vāḳiʿ olan maṣāliḥ
.ve umūrları görmek üzere Vincāco (Vincenzo) Moroni× veled-i Kurumi(?) berāt-ı
.şerīfümle tercümān naṣb olunub yedine berāt-ı ʿālī-şānum virildügin
.bildürüb mūcebince tercümānlıḳ meẕkūr-ı mesfūra żabṭ itdürilüb
10 āḫarı müdāḫale itdürilmemek bābında emr-i şerīfüm ricā eylemegin berat-ı
.mūcebince żabṭ itdürilmek bābında emrüm olmışdur.

Buyurdum ki
.vuṣūl bulduḳda bu bābda ṣādır olan emrüm üzere ʿamel daḫī
.ẕikr olunan tercümānlıġı yedinde olan berāt-ı ʿālī-şānum
.mūcebince mesfūr Vincāco (Vincenzo) Moroni× veled-i Kurūmiyye żabṭ
15 itdürdüb min baʿd berātına ve emr-i hümāyūnuma muḫālif
.āḫardan bir ferdi daḫl ve taʿarruż itdürmeyesin
.şöyle bilesin.

fī evāil-i Ṣ[afer] sene 1132


Decree to the judge of Chios×:

General [Damian Hugo] Count of Virmont×—may God end his days propitiously—who came to my gate that is the center of state as grand ambassador from the Roman emperor×, the paragon of the great commanders of the community of Messiah, sent a petition to my threshold of felicity [about the following matter]:

Vincenzo Moroni× son of Kurumi (?)has been appointed with my noble charter (berāt) as an interpreter to the Chios× island in my well-protected domains to travel there under the flag of the Roman emperor× and to take care of the affairs and matters of the merchants and subjects of the Roman emperor×. [The ambassador] reported that a glorious charter of mine was handed to (the interpreter) and requested my most noble order that the aforesaid (interpreter) shall have authority over interpretation; others shall be prevented from interfering with it. Upon that, my order has been issued that (the interpreter) should control the matter of interpretation in accordance with the imperial charter.

I command that, when my order that has been issued about that matter arrives, you shall act in accordance with it. You shall have the aforesaid Vincenzo Moroni×, son of Kurumi, have full control on the interpretation matter in accordance with my illustrious charter that is in his possession. From now on, you shall not allow a single person to interfere with or attack in violation of my imperial order. So shall you know.

December 14 to December 23, 1719