Befehlsschreiben des Sultans; Istanbul, 15. Oktober – 24.
Oktober 1719
muḥāfıẓı vezīre ve āsitāne-i saʿādetümde Nīş ve Nemçe ḥudūdına varınca yol
üzerinde vāḳiʿ olan ḳāḍīlara ve ketḫüdā yirleri yeñiçeri serdārları
aʿyān-ı vilāyet ve iş erlerine ḥüküm ki:
Romā imperāṭorınuñ ṭarafından ḥālā
der-i devlet-medāruma büyükilçilik ile gelen Cenerāl Ġrūf de Virmond ḫutimet ʿavāḳibühū bi-l-ḫayr südde-i
saʿādetüme mühürlü ʿarż-ı ḥāl
ilçi-i mūmā ileyh ile gelen begzādelerden Baron Sebeç (Karl Ludwig, Freiherr von Seebach) nām begzāde dörd nefer
müsteʾmin ḫidmetkārlarıyla her ḳanġıñuzuñ taḥt-ı ḥükūmet ve ḳażāsına
5 varub
dāḫil olur ise menāzil ve merāḥilde gendüniñ ve ḫidmetkārlarınuñ esvāb ve
ṭavarlarına daḫl ü taʿaaruż olunmayub ḫilāf-ı ʿahdnāme-i hümāyūn
nāmıyla ve sāʾir bahāne ile aḳça muṭālebesiyle kimesneye rencīde itdirilmeyüb
emīn ve sālim birbiriñüze irsāl ve iṣāle her biriñüz taḳayyüd
.ve ihtimām
eylemeñüz bābında ḥükm-ü hümāyūnum ricā itmegin vech-i meşrūḥ üzere ʿamel
olunmaḳ bābında fermān-ı ʿālī-şānum ṣādır olmışdur.
fī evāil-i Ẕ[Ẕī’l-ḥicce] sene 1131
Decree to the commander vizier of Nissa (Niš) and to the judges, aides-de-camp of janissary commanders, janissary commanders, provincial notables, and functionaries situated on the road from my threshold of felicity to Nissa (Niš) and the Austrian border:
General [Damian Hugo] Count of Virmont —may God end his days propitiously—who came as grand ambassador from the Roman emperor to my gate that is the center of state, sent a sealed petition to my threshold of felicity and requested my imperial decree [on the following matter]:
When one of the notables that came [earlier] along with the aforesaid ambassador [to Istanbul], named Baron Sebec (Karl Ludwig, Freiherr von Seebach), and four of his protected servants, arrive and enter the administrative territory and town of whomever among you, no one shall interfere with and attack his garment or the garment of his servants. [Likewise, no one shall interfere with and attack] their flock of animals at stations and stages of the journey. No one shall be allowed to injure them demanding money under the name of tribute or under other pretexts in violation of the imperial letter of agreement (ʿahdnāme-i ḥumāyūn). Each of you shall send and deliver them safe and sound from one of you to the other. Each of you shall pay attention and take great care. My illustrious edict has been issued for all of you to act in the described way.
October 15 to October 24, 1719