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[1] 135
. Nīş× muḥāfıẓı vezīre× ve āsitāne-i saʿādetüm×den Nemçe× ḥudūdına varınca yol üzerinde vāḳiʿ olan ḳāḍīlara ve mütesellimlere ve aʿyān-ı vilāyet
.ve iş erlerine ḥüküm ki:

.Ḳıdvetü ümerāʾi’l-milleti’l-mesīḥiyye Romā imperāṭorı× ṭarafından büyükilçilik ile der-i devlet-medāruma gelen Cenerāl Ġrūf de
ḫutimet ʿavāḳibühū bi-l-ḫayr südde-i saʿādetüme mühürlü mektūb gönderüb
müşārün ileyh Romā imperāṭorı× reʿāyāsından Būdīm×
5 tüccārından olan Yoḫānes× nām tācir ticāret ṭarīḳiyle āsitāne-i saʿādet×üme gelüb ḥālā bir nefer müsteʾmen ḫidmetkārıyla girü Belġrād×dan
.ʿavdet ü recʿat eylemekle her ḳanġıñızuñ taḫt-ı ḫükūmet ve ḳażāsına varub dāḫil olurlar ise tācir-i merḳūmuñ ve bir nefer müsteʾmin
.ḫidmetkārınuñ menāzil ve merāḥilde mürūrlarına mümānaʿat ve esvāb ve ṭavarlarına ve ʿahdnāme-i ḥümāyūnum şürūṭına muġāyir ḫarāc ve sāʾir
.tekālīf muṭālebesiyle daḫl ü taʿarruż olmamaḳ bābında emr-i şerīfüm recā itmegin vech-i meşrūḥ üzere ʿamel olunmaḳ fermān-ı ʿālī-şānum
.ṣādır olmışdur.
Buyurdum ki×:
10 Vuṣūl bulduḳda bu bābda ṣādır olan fermān-ı celīlü’l-ḳadrüm mūcebince ʿamel idüb daḫī vech-i meşrūḥ üzere tācir-i merḳūm× bir nefer
.müsʾtemin ḫidmetkārıyla her ḳanġıñuzuñ taḥt-ı ḥükūmet ve ḳażāsına varub dāḫıl olur ise menāzil ve merāḥilde mürūrlarına mümānaʿat
.ve esvāb ve ṭavarlarına ve ʿahdnāme-i hümāyūnum şürūṭına muġāyir ḫarāc ve sāʾir tekālīf muṭālebesiyle daḫl u taʿarruż olunmayub
.emr-i şerīfümüñ mażmūn-ı münīfiyle ʿāmil olasız şöyle bilesiz.
fī evāḫir-i Ẕā[Ẕi’l-ḳaʿide] sene 1131
[1] Decree to the vizier commander× of Nissa (Niš)× and to the judges, deputy governors, provincial notables, and functionaries situated on the road from my threshold of felicity× to the Austrian border: General [Damian Hugo] Count of Virmont× —may God end his days propitiously—who came to my gate that is the center of state as grand ambassador from the Roman emperor×, the paragon of the great commanders of the community of Messiah, sent a sealed letter to my threshold of felicity× and requested my most noble order about [the following matter]: A merchant from Buda×named Johannes×, a subject of the aforementioned Roman emperor×, came to my threshold of felicity× to trade. Currently, he returns from Belgrade× [to Istanbul] along with a protected (müsteʾmin) servant. When he and his protected servant enter the administrative area and town of whomever among you, their passing through the stations on the road and stages of the journey shall not be prevented and their garments and flock of animals shall not be interfered with or molested with claims of tribute and a variety of levies in violation of my imperial letter of agreement (ʿahdnāme-i ḥumāyūn). My illustrious edict has been issued for [all] to act in the described way. I× order that when my edict of glorious worth arrives, you shall act as it requires. As described, when the aforesaid merchant× along with his single protected (müsteʾmin) servant arrive and enter the administrative area and town of whomever among you, their passing through stations on the road and stages of the journey shall not be prevented; their garments and flock of animals shall not be interfered with or molested with claims of tribute and a variety of levies in violation of my imperial letter of agreement. You shall act as per the exalted purview of my most noble order. So shall you know! October 5 to October 14, 1719