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[1] 127
. Edirne× mollāsına ve Ruscuḳ× ḳāḍīsına ḥüküm ki

. Romā imperāṭorı× ṭarafından büyükilçilik ile ḥālā der-i devlet-medāruma gelen ḳıdvetü ümerāʾi’l-milleti’l-mesīḥiyye Cenerāl Ġrūf de Virmond×
.ḫutimet ʿavāḳibühū bi-l-ḫayr südde-i saʿādetüme mühürlü ʿarż-ı ḥāl gönderüb Nemçe× tüccārı sefīneleriyle getürdükleri eşyānuñ bir defʿa gümrüklerin
.virdüklerinden ṣoñra emtiʿası fürūḫt olunmayub āḫar iskeleye gitmek iḳtiżā ider ise tekrār gümrük ṭaleb olunmaya diyü ʿahdnāme-i
5 ḥumāyūnda mesṭūr ve muḳayyed
iken ḥālā Nemçe× tüccārlarından Görgī Ḳravus ve şerīki Barġa nām tācirler sefīneleriyle nehr-i Ṭūna üzerinden
.götürdükleri billūruñ Vidīn× gümrükçisine gümrügin bi-t-temām edā ve teslīm ve yedlerine edā teẕkeresi almışlar iken Rūscuḳ×’a geldüklerinde
.ẕikr olunan billūrı sefīnelerinden iḫrāc ve ʿarabalara taḥmīl ve İstanbul×’a götürmek üzere iken Rūscuḳ× gümrükçisi İsmāʿīl× nām kimesne yedlerinde
.olan edā teẕkeresine iʿtibār itmeyüb ḫilāf-ı ʿahdnāme-i ḫumāyūn tekrār bir defʿa daḫī merḳūm tācirlerden gümrük alub ġadr
.ve taʿaddī eyledügin ve ẕikr olunan billūruñ bir miḳdārın Edirne×’de alıḳoduḳların bildürüb
ḫilāf-ı ʿahdnāme-i ḫumāyūn alınan aḳçaları
10 girü aṣḥāb-ı meẕkūrlara redd ve Edirne×’de alıḳoduḳları eşyādan daḫī ḫilāf-ı ʿahdnāme-i ḫumāyūn tekrār gümrük müṭālebesiyle rencīde
.olmamaları bābında emr-i şerīfüm ricā eylemegin
ʿahdnāme-i ḫümāyūnuma mürācaʿat olunduḳda vech-i meşrūḥ üzere mesṭūr ve muḳayyed bulunmaġın ʿahdnāme-i
.ḫumāyun mūcebince bir defʿa Vidīn×’de gümrüklerin edā eyledüklerinden ṣoñra āḫar gümrükde daḫī olunmaḳ iḳtiżā idilmez iken Rūscuḳ× gümrükçisi×
.ḫilāf-ı ʿahdnāme-i ḫumāyūn tekrār gümrük almaġla aldıġı aḳça girü redd ve Edirne× gümrüginde alıḳoduḳları eşyānuñ gümrügi ṭaleb olunmayub
.gendülere teslīm olunmaḳ emrüm olmışdur buyurdum ki×. fī evāsıṭ-ı [Şevvā]l sene 1131
[1] Decree to the chief judge of Edirne× and the judge of Russe×: General Graf von Virmont×, the paragon of the great commanders of the community of the Messiah—may God end his days propitiously—who is currently at my gate that is the center of state as grand ambassador from the Roman emperor×, sent a sealed petition to my threshold of felicity. He× reported [the following] in that petition: It is written and recorded in the imperial letter of agreement (ʿahdnāme-i ḥumāyūn) that no customs duty shall be claimed in case Austrian× merchants, having brought their commodities with their ships and paid their customs duties, are not able to sell their commodities and, therefore, are required to move on to another pier. The Austrian× merchants Görgi Kravus(?) and his associate Barga(?), having paid and delivered fully to Vidin×’s customs superintendent the customs for the rock-crystals they transported over the Danube on their ships and after receiving in their hands the certificate of payment, when they arrived in Russe×, as they were about to load off the aforesaid rock-crystal from their ships, transfer to carts, and take it to Istanbul, the Russe× customs superintendent, İsmail×, did not take into consideration the receipt of payment they had in their possession. In violation of the imperial letter of agreement, [Ismail×] received customs duty again one more time from the aforesaid merchants, thus acting unjustly and oppressing them. Some part of the aforesaid rock-crystal was also withheld in Edirne×. [The ambassador×] requested my× command that the money that has been collected in violation of the imperial letter of agreement shall be returned to the aforementioned merchants and that they shall not be injured again in violation of the imperial letter of agreement by the demand of customs duty for the goods withheld in Edirne×. When my imperial letter of agreement is consulted, it is indeed written and recorded in the way described above. I× decree that: While, per the imperial agreement, no customs duty is required at other customs once the customs duties are paid at Vidin×, the Russe× customs superintendent collected customs duties one more time in violation of the imperial letter of agreement. Therefore: the money he collected shall be returned and no customs duty shall be demanded for the goods withheld in Edirne× and the goods shall be delivered back to them. August 26 to September 5, 1719