Hofkriegsrat, Referat, o.O. [Wien], o.D. [Ende 1624]
ÖStA, HHStA Wien
Staatenabteilungen, Türkei I
Kt. 109, Kv. 1, fol. 196r-207v
Aneliya Stoyanova, Zsuzsanna Cziráki, Manuela Mayer
Stephan Kurz, Jakob Sonnberger, Dimitra Grigoriou
hg. von
Aneliya Stoyanova, Zsuzsanna Cziráki, Manuela Mayer, Stephan Kurz, Jakob Sonnberger
Based on the final report submitted by Kurtz, the Aulic War Council concludes that
the envoy fulfilled his mission correctly. The emperor has already received detailed
information on the first part of the report, so now only the necessary measures are
being discussed. The War Council emphasizes the urgent need for a swift peace with
the sultan and briefly lists the reasons. As the peace can only be achieved with
money, the most prestigious Ottoman dignitary in issues related to the border zone,
the pasha of Buda, must be paid, as well as his kihaya, the pasha’s agent at the
Porte, the kaymakam acting for the grand vizier during his absence in Persia, and the
second vizier. Deák Mehmed, who was delegated to the peace committee, had already
been paid off by Cesare Gallo, and so should the former Viennese ambassador, Ahmed
Bey. Resident envoy Sebastian Lustrier must be provided with money to win additional
dignitaries at the Porte. It would be advisable to send gifts every three years through
an extraordinary envoy, while the more important matters would be dealt with only
through the resident, because this would be the less expensive solution. It is very important to
have a committed resident envoy, Lustrier is suitable, but should be paid regularly,
at least 300 thalers a month. Now 3,000 ducats are sent to him, and the Aulic Chamber
must be informed of this. The correspondence and affairs of Constantinople should be
entrusted to a special officeholder in the Aulic War Council. Only money and silk
should be sent to the Porte as gifts. The War Council urges the payment of the
Constantinople embassy staff: Lustrier, Giovanni Paolo Damiani and Josephus Barbatus.
The opinion of Viennese merchants and others should be sought on the question of free
trade with the Ottoman Empire. Antonio Barillo, the envoy of the grand duchess of
Tuscany, lost the money he had received for the ransom of prisoners. The War Council
insists that the Ottomans send a counter-embassy and that the sultan’s envoy should
always depart for Vienna first in the future. The Ottomans’ plan for the emperor to
send an annual gift to the sultan will not be implemented. Kurtz has hired secret
persons in Belgrade, Sofia and Buda to forward correspondence between the emperor and
the Habsburg envoys in Constantinople 12 times a year, and adequate resources will
have to be allocated for this purpose. A confederation against the Ottomans could now
be organized, but the situation of the Holy Roman Empire does not permit it, and only
the Poles could be allied. Kurtz has left Josephus Barbatus in Constantinople with
Lustrier, he must be paid as well. The English, French and Venetian ambassadors
treated the imperial envoy in Constantinople in a friendly manner, but a dispute
arose with the Dutch. Kurtz recommended the interpreter Michel D’Asquier, whose
excellent linguistic skills meant that he should be kept in imperial service by any
means necessary.
Aulic Chamber, Aulic War Council, border, bribe, commission, correspondence, European envoys at the Sublime Porte, finances, diplomatic gifts, Habsburg resident, Holy Roman Emperor, internuntius, interpreter, Ottoman Empire, Ottoman governor-general of Buda, Ottoman grandees, peace, Secret Correspondence
Hofkriegsrat, Referat, o.O. [Wien], o.D. [Ende 1624], Edition: Aneliya Stoyanova, Zsuzsanna Cziráki, Manuela Mayer, Datenmodellierung: Stephan Kurz, Jakob Sonnberger, Dimitra Grigoriou, in: Die Gesandtschaft des Johann Jakob Kurtz von Senftenau
(1623–1624), hg. von: Aneliya Stoyanova, Zsuzsanna Cziráki, Manuela Mayer, Stephan Kurz, Jakob Sonnberger (Digitale Edition von Quellen zur habsburgisch-osmanischen
Diplomatie 1500–1918, hg. von Arno Strohmeyer, Projekt 4), Wien 2024.
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